I played smash !

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Well-known member
May 2, 2016
Central Soviet state of new jersey.
Going along minding my own business yesterday, I'm on a two way road, going east taking it easy, I'm about 150 yds from the light which is a T I'm on the vertical part of the T. One car is coming out of the WaWa, he sees me and is waiting, another car came off the T and is now waiting to make the left into the WaWa, as I am approaching and get to within, maybe a car length this idiot makes the left right in front of me, it's as though she did it deliberately! I get the bike over on it's left trying to go around, it's too late.

Broken wrist ( really hurts ), two broken ribs, doesn't hurt as much as the wrist. Just picked the bike on this passed Friday, I'm really happy though, it wasn't the Ully, it was the Triumph 2012 Speedy, really nice bike on it's maiden voyage after bringing it home.
Kenny that sucks man. Hope you get better soon. What happened to the lady that cut you off? Was she charged with anything? Or was there no contact and she just kept on going as usual? Anyways get better brother, if ya need anything just give me a shout.
and to think kenny that you and i were just discussing that speed triple a few days ago. in conjunction with the usual "bikes can be replaced....people cannot" well-wishes you'll receive may i also suggest hiring the best crash lawyer you can find and making life miserable for this ****ing broad. i am the least litigious person on earth but people who pull these stunts with blatant and reckless disregard for anothers' life need to be hurt themselves. the pocketbook typically causes them the most pain. if you need anything let me know.
She had to stay, so many saw what happened, no way to miss her she turned just as i got within like a car length of her, I'm hoping that she got a failure to yield at the very least

Thanks Wally

Yeah John, it's like she just didn't care, she had to have seen me for at least 100 yds. I wish she tried that when I'm in my truck, schedule 40 front bumper ! I'm sure she'll do that again and hopefully there is a semi coming the other way.

Thanks for the well wishes.
O.k. just got the pics of the bike, the wrecker guys are pretty amazed that I lived. With the exception of what's left of the forks there isn't much left on the front end. Right side frame is cracked, clear through, whole right side is all f'up. Left side is scraped and broken up but not as bad. Pretty amazing since I went down on the left side but I hit the car mostly with the front and right side but, I'm lucky I was able the start a left turn to try and go around her but I never had chance. I'm pretty sure this really nice bike is totalled.
Hey all, thanks for all the well wishes,. I'm going to have to respond here rather than individual PM's as it is p pretty difficult to do anything with the right hand, please bare with me.
Luna and Wicked thanks guy's that's very nice of you.

She got two tickets, one for obstruction of traffic and one for careless driving. What I don't understand is why he didn't give her a sobriety test as she said she never saw me ! The road is an decline from the direction I was coming, there is no way for her not to be able to see me. That's o.k. my lawyer will take It from here !
Broken wrist ( really hurts ), two broken ribs, doesn't hurt as much as the wrist. Just picked the bike on this passed Friday, I'm really happy though, it wasn't the Ully, it was the Triumph 2012 Speedy, really nice bike on it's maiden voyage after bringing it home.

When I wrecked I didn't feel my broken ribs till the second week, and then, that's all I felt. Hope you heal quickly!
jesus dude. hopefully your wrist won't require surgery. i broke mine wrecking my old softail some time ago when someone shot out in front of me. it was the 3rd fracture of my scaphoid bone and now its screwed and glued. one more break and the hand comes off. take care of that wrist brother.
Dude...that really sucks, but glad your ok. They should have gotten her for assault with a deadly weapon...or driving without a brain. At least it's not a bad time of year to be sidelined from 2 wheels. Heal fast brother.
I like that man "driving without a brain". I spoke to the officer that wrote the accident report today. He said the witness told him exactly what I said and that she admitted guilt. Unfortunately we have no fault in this state, which means there is only so much they can do to her under the law, under the circumstances.


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