IAC Failure

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Aug 20, 2011
First off, my '08 1125R has been sitting now since the 1st of July. Has been started up and allowed to run until hot regularly. Today I went out to start it and allow it to run and while it was warming up the air temperature indication was saying 27 degrees Farenheight. I remember in the past I have had erratic reading from this thing anywhere from that low to a high of like 120 something. I live in Hawaii, It is never colder than 75 and never hotter than 85.

So i monitored it, hoping the bike would figure it out. It didn't, once it reached operating temperature, the check engine light came on and the screen flashed IAC FAILURE. I was running the bike with the pods off, as I have them off in anticipation of some EBR fairings in the mail. Could this be the culprit? Did I fry something by running with them off? Or is the bike just being too smart for it's own good?
Never ride the bike with the pods off. It does cool the Engine . That said THE Idle Air Control [IAC] is what cycles every time you start the Engine and so on.The Pental cycles inside the Idle Air Controller. You will need to recheck the codes and replace the Idle Air Control if that is what comes up on you diagnostics again. I don't believe the Pods are at fault unless you have been riding a long time with them off. Hope that is it it's an easy fix. Kinda Costly, so good luck and ride safe.*Jimi
Was never riding with them off, just running it for a bit to cycle the oil since it was sitting for a few months.

Did some reading on the subject and will be doing the checks they suggest in the electrical service manual. Haven't had a problem with it since this one instance, but IAT is still about 30 degrees low at all times. I guess my sensor crapped out? this is strange though as the bike only had 4500 miles on it when this started. has been running fine and now has about 6150-ish. I guess I'll have to hook a meter to it.

Can anyone tell me the resistance values I should be getting at around 75-80F? These values don't seem to be in the electrical diagnostic manual. Or If you could read yours out and tell me the value you got at what temperature. I can probably ballpark it from there.

Thanks in advance.