I'm Now a Certified Welder.....

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
Well being a supervisor at a welding Fab shop and this special project we have been doing requires all welders to be certified in two different wire types in flat vertical and over head welding. I wasn't going to take it but my guys bugged me and were like if you dont pass how can you be the boss. Well I took them and passed all of them. 6 guys failed the tests.

Just another notch on my belt.
Yeah they didnt have nothing to say this morning when I showed them the results. I like your thinking.... they should all get me a case of beer lol
Lol how about the certificate cause the welds are cut up lol...

They don't look nice cause most of it is fcaw (flux core) and gmaw (metal core)

Beautiful weld doesn't mean anything in my line if work..... I'll put some pictures up of my work later tonight
I was a welder for UTLX here in Alexandria for 2 years... Flux core and solid wire and the occasional stainless stick welding.... Welding on an assembly line sucker hardcore tho.... Sh!t'll make you lose your mind... My gf at the time said she caught me "weldin in my sleep" one night... HHahaha
Hey negative your parts went out today you should.have them Saturday or.Monday..... sorry for the wait
Here's a picture of when I still welded and wasn't the boss lol

But I'm not the welder..... that's not my job.. my job is to make sure they are Doug what they are supposed to be doing and correctly in a timely fashion ...... its just a plus I can weld.