install my guardian bell

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Mar 22, 2013
just installed my guardian bell, a POW memorial bell which is dedicated to my father a father, a Vietnam vet, and a long time rider. for those who doesn't know about the guardian bell.

Many years ago, on a cold December night, a crusty old biker was returning from a trip to Mexico with his saddlebags filled with toys and other assorted trinkets for the kids at a group home near where he worked.

As he rode along that night thinking how lucky he had been in life, having a loving riding partner that understood his need to roam the highways and to his trusty old pan that hadn’t let him down once in the many years they had shared the road together.

Well about 40 miles north of the border, in the high desert, lurked a small group of notorious little critters known as road gremlins. You know, the ones who always leave little obstacles like, one shoe, boards, and pieces of old tires on the road, and also dig those dreaded potholes for bikers to run over and crash, thus giving the road gremlins a chance to rejoice over their acts of evil.

Well, as the lone wolf of a biker rounded a curve that moonlit night, the gremlins ambushed him, causing him to crash to the asphalt and skid before coming to a stop next to one of his saddlebags that had broken free. As he lay there, unable to move, the road gremlins made their way towards him. Well, this biker, not being one to give up, started throwing things at the gremlins as they approached him. Finally, with nothing else to throw but a bell, he started ringing it in hopes to scare off the dirty little gremlins.

About a half a mile away, camped in the desert, were two bikers sitting around the campfire talking about their day’s ride, and the freedom of the wind blowing in their faces as they rode across this vast country. In the stillness of the night air they heard what sounded to them like church bells ringing, and upon investigating, found the old biker lying along the roadside with the gremlins about to get him. Needless to say, being part of the biker brotherhood, they preceded to ward off the gremlins until the last ran off into the night.

Being grateful to the two bikers, the old road dog offered to pay them for their help, but as all true bikers do, they refused to accept any type of payment from him. Not being one to let a good deed go unnoticed, the old biker cut two pieces of leather from his saddlebags tassels and tied a bell to each one. He then placed them on each of the biker’s motorcycles, as near to the ground as possible. The tired, old road warrior then told the two travelers that with those bells placed on their bikes, they would be protected from the road gremlins and that if ever in trouble, just ring the bell and a fellow biker will come to their aid.

So, whenever you see a biker with a bell, you know that he has been blessed with the most important thing in life—friendship from a fellow biker.
The Purpose of the Guardian® Bell

Many of us have heard the story about Evil Road Spirits. They are little gremlins that live on your bike. They love to ride, and they’re also responsible for most of your bike’s problems. Sometimes your turn signals refuse to work; your battery goes dead, the clutch needs adjustment, or any of several hundred things that can go wrong. These problems are caused by Evil Road Spirits.

Evil Road Spirits can’t live in the presence of the bell, because they get trapped in the hollow of the bell. Among other things, their hearing is supersensitive, so the constant ringing of the bell and the confined space drives them insane. They lose their grip and eventually fall to the roadway. Have you ever wondered how potholes are formed? The bell has served its purpose.

If you pick up a Guardian® Bell of your own, the magic will work, but if your bell is given to you, the power is doubled, and you know that somewhere you have a special friend helping to look after you.

So, if you have a friend who doesn’t have a bell, why not give them one? It’s a nice feeling for the recipient to know you care. The bell, plus a good preventive maintenance program by the bikes owner, will help eliminate Evil Road Spirits.
Polishing the Guardian® Bell

It has been a tradition among some of us for a long time to attach a brass bell to our left swing arm, to remember our brothers and sisters who have gone down riding.

It’s a small thing, but the reason a brass bell is chosen is that, as we ride, it gets dirty and tarnished. Every time we get down to wash and polish it, we are reminded of friends lost, and our thoughts turn to the meaning of being in the wind.

As we ride and hear the bell ring, we know that our brothers and sisters are riding with us, and how easy it would be to join them with a single mistake.

And maybe, just maybe, the next time a situation comes up; they will be there to help long as we remember them by polishing the bell.

Everyone I know who rides has one of theses already on their bikes. I would put one on but I feel like it is something that you shouldn't (or I shouldn't) buy to put on. If someone bought me one I would put it on cause then it would be that the person who bought it for me cares about my safety.

I dont think someone buying one for themselves is bad, I just feel like I know I am taking risks riding so I am looking out for my own risk already, the bike is mine and everything I buy for it is equal value. Someone buying something to go onto MY baby with the hope that it will protect me, then I would install one.
It was something that my father believed and i didn't. Im more into karma. But for some odd reason i recieved an email on which was a suggested item and as i was reading it some comercial was on about supporting vets and i thought of my father. I almost heard my father telling to "stop being a ******* and put this on your bike since your too much of a sissy to buy a real bike (harley davidson) so i felt like that old fart want that on my bike so i did.
I had someone give me one to put on my bike but didn't really know much about it and didn't take the time to research it. I assumed it was more of a harley cruiser bike thing, but again I never took the time to research it.

I was told by the person who gave it to me that its supposed to be hung on the lowest possible place on the bike. Not sure if that's true or not.

I used to be real superstitious, but as I've gotten older I believe less and less in superstition. I have a buddy that we go to TCU football games with and he has all of these little routines, and mannerisms, and **** that he does before and during the game that drives me nuts. I always tell him how selfish it is to think that he has control over the outcome of a sporting event by pointing to the sky and ****, and that he's wasting all of these people's money because mp only he knows the outcome of the game, lol!
I have had one on all of my bikes.[up] currently have a US Army one that was given to me by my wife.
I have a POW/MIA one on my bike that I was given by a friend. Now every time I have a friend that doesn't have one I break down and get them one, and tell them do continue to do the same.

I have mine on the clutch cable, on the little swirly clutch cable retainer that mounts to the front head.
I was always told to lowest point in the back so when the bell rings and the gremlin falls out it falls to the road. If you have it up high or in the front it can grab back onto your bike as it falls.
I don't have one either as no one has given me one..... I was told if you buy your own its bad luck.....
i have one as well, my father told me someone elses has to buy it for you. he bought me mine and i bought my freind one [up]
I have mine installed on a wire between the right rad and fork. It rings quite a bit when im going fast.
I don't have one on the bike. I will add one if one is bought for me as we'll as pay it forward and buy one for someone else, but I'm not gonna ruin the joojoo and buy myself one.

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