installing new exhaust studs... help!

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2009
i've read u just tighten them hand tight into the head then when tighting the nuts and flange down it will tighten itself into the head to what it needs to be?! also do u put anything on the threads? any help appreciated!?
If it was me, I would put some anti-sieze on the studs. Any time you put a steel bolt in aluminum, it corodes real bad. Also just for a future reference, if you ever change plugs be sure to put anti-sieze on them as well. ;)
well just snapped the easy out in half ... looks like i'm gonna go need some KY for the next few weeks! and yes it's 10:08 in the morning and my next stop is the bar... good day
Oh **** that sucks. I feel your pain. Been there done that. I will keep thinking of something else. Do not loos hope yet.[sad]
got any ideas!? i'm lost pissed and thirsty... not a good combo my friend! ha any help appreciated
could you take a picture of the stud up close and post it on here so I can see if my self or someone else might come up with any ideas. Let us see what you got and we can go from there. Otherwise at this point it is hard to tell.[confused]
take a picture of the stud up close and post it on here
+1 on that. I've gotten a few flush broke taps out of blind holes before, but had to have it in a vise on a mill. (And those things are as hard or harder than Ez-outs.)
I've used the "Grabit" with great results. They are expensive(around $10 a bit) but they are worth it.

You should heat the bolt with a torch until its red, then unscrew it.

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