Invest in EBR

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I have a few questions that maybe some of the people that have already invested can answer. Is this actually buying stock in the company. If so, is there a way to check and see how you investment is doing, ie. the stock market.
ebr is not a public company so investing really isnt going to get you any thing at this time.unless your talking about buying a percent of the company. say you have 10 million to spend and you approach eric and he says for 10 mil ill give you 5,10,20,or what ever percent he feels its worth.
They also said people were stupid to invest into Wal-Mart when it first started up. Wish I had a little bit of that "bar money" invested in that stock. No names being named but I thought this board was positive, unlike the badweather?
Red93stang, we're not being negative, just honest. Some of us might have investment experience worth sharing.

Furthermore, though I love my Buell, I do not idolize Erik like most do. He's just another dude who made some pretty killer bikes to me. I didn't buy his album, I don't like his music, I don't plan on buying the overpriced EBR merchandise, and I'm not going to go out of my way to have something signed by him. That's just my opinion, though. It's not negative, it's just the way that I feel. His business does not warrant $100 to me. Sorry.
this board is positive wal mart is a public company ebr isnt if you invested 100 bucks in walmart in 1970 youd have 800 now yipee.thers no reason for someone who works hard for their money to waste it on a bad investment.i trade every day with great your money for the bar or donate but dont expect returns if you invest.never follow your heart when investing use your head.
well anrkizm95 i am keen to invest into Erik a little of my hard earned for his passion, and my respect for his handling of getting royally ****** over by HD at a time when he was just about to get rewarded for his 26 years of Buell.As i know **** all about trading can you post some tips on the investments that you get your great results from? After all that may give me some more coin to buy another Buell ;)
Thats all part of the Buell experience. Is having the maker of ur bike on demand, contact him on facebook, email or whatever. He will reply and help in anyway. Try and do that with Mr.Suzuki, or Honda Corp. I will agree with you that its risky, but a 100 to 1000 dollars I wouldnt expect big returns on anyway. Me personaly would love to see Erik make this thing go. So if I can help him in anyway I will. I dont like his music either but what he did for the motorcycle world is amazing!

BTW if you invested 10k on Oct. 1, 1970 in Wal-Mart you would now have 57,000,000.
heres a few i made bought siri at 0.07 sold at .65,tsl at 6.20 sold 56.72,stp at 6.80 sold at 31.51,oww at at 1.90 sold at 8.60 also made a **** load off ford and chevy during their ups and downs.if you want mto invest in eric more power to you its not my money i dont really care,i donated.i think walmart stock went public in 1972 for around 30.00 bucks
If someone is looking at this "investment" as a money making endeavor then you SHOULD invest in something else.

I dont think the point of a passionate Buell fan investing in Erik and EBR is to try to get rich. The point is trying to help a man and his company. To help him bring us great products and motorcycles.

It would truly be a sad day if EBR and Buell died completely but it could have been prevented by a small investment.