Do you get the speedo/tach needle sweep?
There's a "fuse box" on the left side. It's actually three relays. They are less than $10 apiece. They are regular auto parts if the shop does not have them. It's easy enough to switch them around and see what happens.
When you turn the key you should see the sweep, three lights come on the dash, and hear a whirr noise. Check the relay. It is marked on the box (lid, I think).
If it works that far, press the start switch. If it doesn't start, you can hear a click from the box and/or a click from the starter. If you hear the clicks, it's battery problem. If you don't hear clicks, it's the relay.
Remember, if you don't have a green neutral light, it's not going to start. Try pulling in the clutch, there's a "bypass" there.
Hope this helps.