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Jan 12, 2009
So here in Ny the weather was great today and so we decided to officially make our first ride of the season. toured around Connecticut for the better part of the afternoon. Lets see everyone else post their first season pics.

My season started January 10th, but im not much of a photographer. 2.5k miles so far this year.
Must be nice to be able to ride year round. Damn i cant wait to get back to Texas.
I rode in winter in a t shirt once. I was only going 2 miles, but I still felt like it was one of those things you should do once in your life, that and I was only 20 years old at the time.
damn redliner thats sounds like a bad day. Season started 1 day in late January to move the bike. Been out last week for 300miles. Going out tomorrow riding so. Thinking I'll have pictures this weekend.
Two Aprilias in one place? the ONLY time I have seen that in Dallas was at a dealership. I saw a tuono once but other than that I have never seen one on the road. Of course other than my 1125 I have only seen 2 others on the road.
I stay away from large group rides of over 15 bikes becuz of cops. even though in Northern VA they dont give a second look to a bike even if doing +20mph over. fingers crossed haha..
We usually ride between 7 and 10. This was our first of the season so we wanted to ride deep. We all gave each other space, but there could have been two bikes and still would have got stopped.
Iowa riding started a couple weeks ago, we had a day pop in the eightes now back to 50's then 60's next week, the xb is loving the air
Not the best pic but that is our first ride one honda shadow, a HD something a Can-Am Spyder, and two Buells (Xb9 and and XB12 both ligtnings) The guy riding the Spyder has no legs and one arm so that is an altered Spyder. It's actually really cool. Got a 120 miles in that night. That's downtown Chicago in the background. (Ontario By Hard Rock ect)

not very clear, but what can you say for a crappy cell phone pic. I'm on the far left