Just a little something to say about reliability.

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I hate all of you...

My firebolt is a lemon for sure, exhaust system complete failures, regulator, stator, blowing tail lights, battery failure, multiple fluid leaks, warped brake rotor when purchased, snapped belt, throttle cables, intake seals, ultimate, transmission failure requiring engine tear down, and now im having power loss issues and running hot....

But, ive been in 2 very serious accidents, beat the hell out of it, over 25,000 miles. And i still love it.
And looks like this...
Can't say my 06 12Ss has been especially reliable in the 24,000 Km (15,000 mi) I've had her. In addition to the usual maintenence consumables, I've replaced the clutch, battery & VR, twice.

The front rotor also seems to perpetually glaze up & I get the ubiquitous low-mid rpm stumble periodically.

On the other hand, she's also been one of the most fun bikes I've ever owned.:D
Jacob, your bike still looks awesome despite those damn buses jumping out in front of you:D

what's the deal with seajay's bike?
Seajays bike requires the crank assembly at almost 40k miles, she wants it rebuilt. So shes saving money for the parts and im doing the work. Doing what i can to keep a buell on the road, and help a friend. Argents bike (you havent met her yet) also in my garage after a bad accident getting a tear down and "re-master" gonna be a bad ass bike when done.
Not huge problems, but here is what happened in the next 5k miles before I sold and went 1125cr.

Voltage reg needed to be replaced
Clutch case lip broke off, could have bought new but fixed with the steel plate mod
Clutch cable broke (my fault, never lubed)

I think that is it. Shortly after I sold I think new owner needed to replace fuel pump.

So it went downhill, but I never regretted the purchase.
I put 30k on a 2007 firebolt xb9r. The speedo never broke ;) the clutch worked fine ;) my tyres properly gripped the asphalt :p and when upright on 2 wheels it still didn't leak.....[cool]
My Matilda was in shambles when I bought her. I put in work on her as much possible. She's a tough bike for the level of work I've done. Reliable, well engineered and a fun bike to ride.
I have owned plenty of motorcycles over the years. I have owned 3 Buell XB models and love them. My first was an 03 XB9R. I put over 1000 miles on it the first time I sat on it. The only problem I had was a return spring on the shifter snapped. Cost $150 to fix. My second was an 04 Buell XB12R. I put in tons of custom work on it and never had any problems. And my current is an 08 Buell XB12Scg/R. I have done plenty of custom work to it as well. Only problem I have had with it was a cracked header due to an aftermarket exhaust that wasnt supported properly. It came with a beat up jardine and i have since bought a completely stock exhaust system and it performs much better. I wouldnt say they really have any reliability issues. Problems do happen sometimes though. Just depends on how the bike was treated.
33K.....(1) Clutch cable, (1) ECM. (2) New plugs when diagnosing ECM issue.Put GOOD EBS HH Brake pads on the front, a 'decent' set of BRAKING pads from Italy on the rear. So far....thats it. Even has the O.E. air filter element. (For now). I do not cut the thing any breaks....I don't ABuse it, but I DO run it hard. Change oil and filter every 3-3500 miles with Valvoline VR1 Racing 20/50 in temps over 50, 10/30 in temps below 50, WIX 51394 filter. (NAPA 1394). I also run about 8 -12 oz. of Lucas in the engine. I run Amzoil 20/50 in the primary.....this does work good. (2005 ZB9SX).
The previous owner of mine put a tuner on it so I'm sure he beat on it. I bought it with 6k, did another 4k and had the dealer do the 10k service. I sont remember exactly what was done (I have the papers somewhere) but I do remember clutch springs. Since then I haven't had any issues other than rockerbox gasket which I did myself, and my fan doesn't run. I've been through a couple other issue but they were caused by me. My check engine light is on, so ill be looking at that this winter. So its just been those couple of things plus wear and tear items (tires brakes battery) its been a damn good bike.
if it werent for this site i would still be stuck on a bike that overheats every 10 miles.. reading countless posts of folks bitching about their problems and eventual fixes saved me tons from the stealership, gave me tons of knowledge about my bike and helped me understand my bikes personality better.. and further more gave me a wicked repect for the actual simplicity of these bikes.. they are not just another rice burner or pasta rocket and far from a hairy davidson. i take alot of pride in knowing that if something does break, i can do it myself. im HAPPY to say that i bought a buell that unfortunatly did have problems ( alot of them! from the PO as is most always the case, HUMAN error) but with some patience, some beer, and alot of THIS FORUM, i have a beast of a bike like no other. and am so impressed by them i am looking into adding to the family with an XT and who knows! the Girl Friend has been wanting something, maybe a blast (or this sweet tuber ive been watching!)

^ This is EXACTLY why I'm buying a Buell! They simply can't be realistically compared to any other motorcycle in terms that can be distilled into words and neatly written about.
The failure of EBR is truly an American tragedy that deserves a bailout like GM got. Buell owners need to organize and buy Buell like HD workers did. I can't wait to buy my Buell!!!!
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I am SOOOO glad my life, which seems to be centered on the internet, amounts to so little capitalizing on simple typos gives me a .000001/2 of a percent of an outlet for my stupendously massive intellect.
You do realize that you dug up a 5 year old post to express, what ? It's like digging up old world news and then expressing your opinion. If everyone did this, there would not be time for new info or for helping people.
I do realize that but I"m really at a crossroads. I REALLY would love to own a Buell XB9SX but am truly terrified of going out to start my pride and joy bike to get to school and it not starting or be left on the side of the road in 30 or 100 degree temperature. In addition the bike is in northern Michigan and I'm in New Orleans. The bike starts, looks and sounds great but I keep reading of so many broken down "I can fix anything" cases. I also realize Buell did not fail becuz of POS bikes but operating costs got too high to sustain. I'm just looking for some honest answers thats all. This thread is understandably of personal interest to me.
For instance in the movie EASY RIDER - Would it have even been realistic for a well-used HD chopper to have made it w/out breakdown in 1969 from California to New Orleans? From what I've read I doubt it. Or is the fact the Buell "beginner bike" the BLAST is 500cc's because the HD motor is weak or the fact is operates at such a comparatively low rpm it requires THAT much displacement whereas a jap entry level bike is usually 230cc's?

This why I'm here to ask those who know because I damn sure don't.
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