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Jul 2, 2010
I have a knocking coming from front of motor that comes and goes. Can anyone give me an idea what it is? Someone told me it's a sticking valve. Before I tear it apart, like a second opinion. Oh yea it's a xb9r. Thanks for any help.
I don't understand! Can you please provide more pictures? I REALLY like to help on this knockers situation!:D
On a serious note: If it were me I would change out the oil with a high quality full syn. oil and see if it helps to clear out any unwanted debris.

I would just change the oil run it for a couple hundred miles and change it out again, yeah might be a bit of a waste but it isnt like ourbikes hold 7qts or anything. Just a thought[up]

If you already run a full syn. oil then you might just want to still try a fresh oil change and see if it helps, worst case you will be out 10minutes and $20.
Got on front head with a stethoscope. Knocking coming from the head for sure. Guess it is time to rebuild the heads. Any performance tips or parts I should put in while I have the heads off? Thanks for the help guys.
eric72 did you get this fixed or what.
if not can you describe the knockers sounds better when and how loud. is it a pre-ignition or detonation knock or ping or more of a valve train noise.

pre-ignition and detonation knocks/pings;
excessive carbon deposit on piston &/or combustion chamber, - plug heat range wrong,plugs not firing each time, timing advanced,intake manifold vaccuum leak, bad fuel or low octane fuel
I'd put my money on the front rod. Put the motor under some load, if the knock gets worse........lost my front rod at 18000 miles on my 04.