Left blinker non functional, right blinker works fine....

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Well it is appreciated 3419.
Thank you to all who have responded.
I am taking forever getting this issue fixed unfortunately. Work and the triple digit heat is kicking my butt. Hopefully by the weekend I will have tracked down my multi meter and I can really start digging around.
During this adventure to figure out my blinkers I have read John Vreede's #fixing earthing problems thread. Super helpful. I think there was also a thread by lunaticfringe (if it was someone else, sorry) on the grounds hidden behind the headlights that really helped a lot! (just can't find it again at the moment) Whether it fixes my blinker problem or not, that is some rock solid preventive maintenance that will get done immediately. Who knows, might kill two birds with one stone. My bike has had an off idle stumble almost since new. Well within warranty it became very noticeable. The Harley tech at the dealership just shrugged it off as "a Buell thing". I took his word for it and figured it was all part of that "charm" and "personality" buells have. These bikes have tons of charm and a great personality without stumbling at idle, I am so very glad to know it is a fault not a feature. A fixable one at that!
This blinker issue leading me here to buellxb for advice has been the best thing to ever happen to this bike.
Thank you Internet people.
Redding CA area. It has been flirting with the 100 degree mark already. Thank god not every day, just yet.. Got lucky today, didnt even bust the mid 80's. looks like real heat in the forecast though...
The weather here has kinda been trying to kill us since we moved here from the coast. Last summer it was hellishly hot and then the Car fire wiped out a good chunk of the place and then right after that Paradise got burned down and the entire north valley was a smoky nightmare. The winter was also crazy with a record snowstorm nobody was prepared for, now back to hot... Oh yeah, the tornado warning the other day was fun too... That thundercell is the one they were worried about trying to touchdown. The close pic was from out my back door right before it passed directly overhead, and the farther one was taken at virtually the same time from a few miles away.. It really started to swirl and looked pretty cool before it started dissipating.
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Yeah I love that pic! It is getting printed, framed and going on my wall. One extra storm shot... I liked these photos enough to give out my number to a stranger just so they could text them to me, not a normal move for me..
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