Loan for a Bike?

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And that she should buy me a second one as an engagement present.

Haha that is awesome. Funny, I also said the same thing to my now fiancee. I told her that women should have to get men a "symbol of commitment" in the form of a Buell :) She said if she had the money she would. Ha.

But yes, I have read some a Dave Ramsey's stuff and it's really good. My fiancee is super into it and we are going to try to adopt a lot of his ideas. I am in agreement though, I think a payment is a dumb idea now that I think about it. I am going to enjoy it so much more if I can buy it outright and enjoy never paying for it again...except for mods [up]
When I went to try to get a loan for my XB9R, I was 22, and didnt have any credit really. I didnt have bad credit, just didnt have very much. My wouldnt approve me for a vehicle loan for a motorcycle, but did approve me for a credit card with a limit of $4K. I was in a hurry to get a bike, so I jumped on the deal. I think my APR was 10.25%...

Anyway, There are good and bad things about getting a credit card, so just be careful. Good, they can help boost your credit score as long as you stay in good standing with your payments. They can be a slippery slope though if you dont keep up with them.

There are several options though, just do your homework, and be smart about it. you are about to get married, and that can be hard enough as it is balancing two people's bills, not to mention the price of the wedding/honeymoon.
She said if she had the money she would. Ha.

She said the same, till I showed her how cheap some buells XB are and she knows the price tag on her ring and the ring costs ALOT more... She then was open minded and I told her to just give me 100$ a month and I'll buy it so she wont have to save up. SCORE!

It aint right...We spend a few THOUSAND dollars on a TINY rock, and we get a couple hundred dollar ring if that, that we cant always wear depending on the nature or our jobs.... I'm All for engagement presents...lets start a trend fellas...Progressive!
I have credit that just passed 800, but 4 years ago here is what I did-

Go to bank, mine was Chase. Request a credit card with no points, no miles, just a low interest rate. I was able to receive a 10k limit, 6 month 0% interest- and after 6 months interest was 6.24%. I paid the credit card off in 8 months and ended up paying about $130 total interest on the $5,300 bike loan for 8 months. Best part was the title was in my hands the whole time. No lien.

let me know if you have any questions
Haha you guys are making want to go get a loan tonight and find a bike!

Either way, I am going to wait until June. My company's fiscal year ends in June, and I am hoping for a solid year-end bonus. I will have my wedding covered by then out of pocket, so there is a chance I can pick one up there.

Here is to hoping!
I want everyone to know that when finding a new apartment to live in once we are married, my biggest concern was that it had a garage [smirk]
Until you fill up the garage with toys, then you need to add on, or build a shop...LOL
Haha that time will come. First the garage...then a Buell. From there, who knows...
I'm just now starting to build a House/barn. Upstairs living, down stairs kitchen/living room, and the other half of downstairs is SHOP! Will be the ultimate mancave!