looking to find security system for bike. need suggestions

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lulz! Thanks Dave, some people need to smoke as cig and chill the **** out. As for drawing a firearm to protect my family and property thats my choice, specially as my garage is connected to my house and gives direct access to my wife, and two daughters. Judge me all day long pops.
No thanks on the cigarette. Don't smoke anymore.

I am not your pops, I am only 25. I am, however, a responsible owner and operator of firearms. I only know what I have learned through years of civilian weapons training. If that differs from your approach, so be it. Just know that escalation is not something to **** with. I pray you never have to draw that firearm for any reason, and especially not to protect some silly material good.

Also, it's easy to install a good lock on the door between your house and garage. I know because I have one.
I'm looking forward to using my guns when the zombie apocalypse happens. Speaking of which, I need to go get another 1000 rounds of AK ammo.
Ahhh man, I cant wait for Zombpocolyps! I'v seriously been considering the American AK they are producing out of Vegas. But when the russian Kalashnikov is so damn reliable its hard to justify.

@Octo, not that age means ****, but ill be 28 this year. No I have never had to draw down on someone, and hope I never have to. As for shooting someone trying to steal my bike, I never would, but I dont own a gun just to stand by and watch some **** roll off with my hard earned property. Combat multipliers are meant for use, not show.
Combat multipliers are meant for use, not show.

Very true, which is why when you draw, you have to be prepared to shoot to kill. Just not sure a motorcycle is worth that sort of commitment.
Not kill over a motorcycle no, but If I step out at 2am cause someone is trying to steal my bike(As I sure as **** will if it happens) I will be armed, just in case four guys decide Im worth taking out to get my bike. And at that point I would imagine just the sight of a pistol in my hand(Not pointed at them) will get their feet moving.

If you cant agree with that then iono what else to say to you. I have the right to defend myself, my family, and my property, and if you think that im going to step outside un armed in such a situation, or if thats what you plan on doing then...
You're right. We are each entitled to our own opinions.

And at that point I would imagine just the sight of a pistol in my hand(Not pointed at them) will get their feet moving.

I think you just finished the argument for the both of us.

Consider the debate over.

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