Here is a point there are several So you can Weigh in all areas so as to get the Best performance from your Engine! Now your idea is great for a Vechicle and would still need to be Dynoed for best performance, but not so well on the Buells. You need the system to work, for the Airbox is Critical to the ECMs feedback to Engine for input on Air Temperature. The IAT-Internal Air Temperature needs to be incased inside the Air Box right where it is, so it gets the proper air temp and information to your ECM.
NOW if you like, you can make a Sort of Fast Intake buy the Filter(Removal of Velocity Stack)and install it right there, it needs to be Round actually or shaped like the (stock) One ,and the Tapered one in the Picture above will work but not well for newer Xb Model Bikes. Make sure to call up American Sport see if they still have a kit called Air Box Delete, that still utilizes the Outer air box. This way you can mount the Exhaust Actuators Electronic box in proper area.
BTW is your Exhaust All Stock? American Sport Bike has the part to bypass the Actuator & will send the proper signal so a fault Code doesn't come up on your Cluster where your Exhaust is concerned. (You will need to Alter the Muffler to Complete this mod).
This way your Interactive Exhaust Actuator is not in a bind for operating when Throttle is Applied opening the Butterfly in the muffler for keeping the midrange horse power correct.IF YOUR keeping the Orignal Muffler. This modification Will Lose Horsepower should it not be done Correctly.
The Exhaust Actuator it's mounted there for good operating ability. Not to Mention the Heat issue you will have 5 minutes after you start the Engine. What ever you do leave the [Bottom Plate] in place. Your best bet for [Extra Air] is to just SLIGHTLY modify your Outer Air box only to get more fresh air I wouldn't go too far with that or Starting problems and other problems will start to occur with your Bike. Depending on where you are located, and tuning for the ECM, Not to mention getting caught in the Rain. The Velocity Stack is Designed for that Throttle Body and discarding the Part would ruin the overall performance of the Engine for everday riding. Besides the Air Box is tougher than most think once bolted into place. Once you give the bike a lot of air you may need to go back to the Paper Filter so the Engine doesn't run too Lean. Whatever your decision make a good one so you can keep it Riding for a long time.Good Luck! Welcome to the Forum. *Jimi