ladies and gentlemen: temper your enthusiasm here and come back down to earth. this is not going to be what you think it is going to be....or what you want it to be. two years ago when buell motorcycles was resurrected and became EBR....and we all know the history of that....i posted a well-intended comment on here stating in essence that i would be highly surprised if this buell/hero marriage lasted thru the end of the decade. why? because the indians are very fickle, highly unpredictable, and extreme tight-wads when it comes to business practices among other things. i took one hell of a keyboard lashing over my comment but how prophetic it sadly was indeed. this latest buell "marriage" is NOT going to result in the production of an affordable cruiser, standard, sportbike, dual-sport, dirt-bike, racer replica, touring bike, or God forbid quasi-chopper. notice i said affordable! they will be looking at possibly building what i call a boutique-bike along the lines of a kawasaki H2R. why? simply put they cannot and will not compete in an already saturated market completely dominated by established players offering their wares worldwide. expect to see something along the lines of a "hyper-bike" in the $30,000 and up price-range. i will guarantee board members that even if this figure is somewhat off the mark....that this offering will be well above and beyond the affordability of 99.99% of board members. IMO