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This is exciting times boys and girls.

Another chapter of American Sportbike History is being written. Victory just ran a sportbike trial at Pikes Peak. HD has released mid-sized bikes.

Looks like your move Mr. Belfer.
That seriously is exciting! Victory puts out a good quality product(at least from what I've read they do).
Is bout time Murica got in the mix
what I want to know is, what does he ride?

Hughlysses, you have been all over this and 2-3 others I have checked on. Your better than CNN and Fox :)

Find out what he rides before any of the 'professionals' and I see a case of brew in your future. :very_drunk:

Ha! Somebody on Badweb already beat me to it: so far we know of a 1965 Vespa with a custom paint job and a 1978 Puch Maxi Luxe that he's apparently restoring (from his Facebook page). I like it!
That's based 2 pics on his Facebook page from 5 years ago. Even if that's what he rides now, he clearly doesn't have any need for his ride to make up for any personal shortcomings. :D
Everyone needs to stop being so giddy. We are still a long way from the finish line. There are many obstacles ahead.
^^ Yes, there is still a long way to go, but it is VERY different this time. HD attacked and Erik had to retreat and scramble. This time instead of retreat when the attack came, it was more like a diversionary move. Yeah, it sucks. All those people without work, dealerships screwed, losing the company again. except this time he ran around the corner when they came after him and ran into some real AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS and wa la. Here we are now. At a VERY recoverable point. I would have gave my left nut when I lost my business if I could have found investors like he has. Yep, very different story this time.
I'm just happy this wasn't the end! Now that it's entirely in American hands all the way around and he is a supporter of EBR without HD to worry about if it goes south we have no excuses!
I'd love for it to work out, but I'm not holding my breath. History tends to repeat itself. Both Harley and Hero, were big companies that could afford to break even on a small portion of their business, but both decided it was in their best interest to go their separate ways. Being a great engineer means nothing if you can't sell your product.

And an investor that is facing a felony doesn't quite make me feel any better.
Just was cruising the EBR AF1 sponsored forum and Belfer has registered as a member and posted a brief (very brief) Hello. They let him know about BadWeb and here.

Mr Belfer if you happen to puruse this thread, I would be very interested in a possible position in the restart of this. Please pm me and I will send you a resume. Normally I wouldn't approach a CEO about a position, but have a feeling that you run a company a little more non tradiitional as far as structure. If you need an old ******* Jarhead that also happens to be a robotic engineer and heavy R&D/process developement guy, I'll be standing over here. LMAO, Yes I am a shameless hussy. :D
^^Love your honesty mrlogix, have to respect that. And just as djs2k2 said I'm just happy the only American super bike company is back in the hands of the good ol red white and blue. image.jpg
posted on the AF1 EBR forum

Dear Faithful,

I'm obviously up to my ass in alligators over here, and working on a Saturday, so I can't hang out online. But I've heard/read/been told there are questions in various forums, etc., and pics of some of my collection of bikes that have people confused. So:

I have/still own:

1978 Puch Maxi
1976 Motobecane V50
1970 Honda CL350
1971 Honda CL350 Sportsman Racer
1971 Triumph Bonneville
1971 Norton 750 Commando
1994 Kawasaki ZX11
1965 Vespa
1998 Harley Davidson Road King
2002 Yamaha R1
2006 Ducati SC1000

Basically, if it has two wheels and an engine, I dig it.

As to other speculation, "First rule of Fight Club is?"

Oh, and "Mr. Belfer" was my dad. Bruce is my name. Last edited by Bruce Belfer; Today at 01:51 PM.
Felonies earned in personal combat are just signs of good leadership qualities ... every good leader resolves conflict decisively and with direct action if need be.

the only thing the EBR really needs is a ****ing hot entry level bike that a young guy can afford as a first bike and a really cool middleweight (something like that Hasutr)..

Imagine how the Buell Blast COULD HAVE BEEN had HD not hobbled its budget from the very beginning. All that bike really needed was a prettier frame and better looking wheels..
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