Tried contacting you though messages on here, and email from your website.
Which the email from your website does not work, says its an invalid email.
I'm wanting to purchase the XB chin bracket kit. Wanting to know if you can
do any better than $35 shipping. Id be willing to give $10 for shipping which
is more than a flat rate box cost to ship. Can pay pal you the money soon
as you give me a valid email. You can PM me if you get this.
Sorry to anyone if this is an improper way to contact someone. I have been
trying for over a week or more to get in contact.
Not sure why the emails are getting bounced, I get enquiries pretty much daily. If you live in the US, it's just a flat $75 shipped for the part, I don't know where the extra $35 is coming from. Shipping to Canada (or anywhere else for that matter), yeah, it's more.
If all else fails, email me direct at [email protected]