messed up, spoiled kids. just venting

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Just wondering how hard it is to bust a mirror off while riding? :D Would ya kick it? This is a serious question by the way.
Back in my younger days it was fairly common for someone in the group to remove a side mirror with their boot. It seemed as though almost every night some punks in daddy's sports car wanted to F with the bikers. They always thought it was real funny to swerve or pull in front and hit the brakes on the freeway. That is until they were swarmed by "bikers" blasting side mirrors, taking out tail lights and leaving boot marks in the doors!

I'm too old for that crap now, I'd just as soon exit the freeway and come back on after they're long gone.
yup....when you encounter *********, it is best to slow down or pull over and let them continue on their way. now if i stop, and they stop and continue to look for trouble, trouble they will get. but to be rolling on a bike, playing ****-around with a car, you are begging to die.
i might add, that if i pull over to let said ********* continue on their way and they pull over to continue to **** with me, THEY are begging to die. just sayin.
funny thinhg is, the dumb kid asked me for a lighter at a stop light and i asked him about the money and the kid looked like he was about to sh!t his pants... he was one of thoes wears girls pants and weighs maybe 100lbs
Revenge is a bad thing but it is so hard to resist the temptation to punish intentional offenders. The worst thing about this is that you can get hurt while trying to punish smb. for his misconduct:([smirk]

Two wrongs don't make a right. It is very unfortunate but these things happen. You are no better when you start throwing things back or driving reckless. I mean there will be other innocent folks on the road too.
Lesley is right thouhg

i got the plate # and talked to the cops here in san antonio, they didnt care much haha. im not gonna get back at them or really care much that it happened, but that would do some damage to me and my bike
N-n-now this is sad[mad]

funny thinhg is, the dumb kid asked me for a lighter at a stop light and i asked him about the money and the kid looked like he was about to sh!t his pants... he was one of thoes wears girls pants and weighs maybe 100lbs
As we say (in Ukraine and Russia) "the earth is round" and those who hurt you will have to ask you for help soon[smirk]
couple years ago i had kid throw a hand full of ice at me while heading in the opposite dirtection i turned around passed them and tried to stop them but a bike doesnt make a good road block and the ******* drove around tried twice n that was it. four of them to one of me.I guess i scared m anyway i doubt they did it be honest i really dont know what i would have done but i wanted togive m a ear full anyway.
Ball bearings and flat washers work great too! It's important to remember that bikes nearly always finish second in the car bulldogging event.
I had a jack ass in a piece of **** pick up hang out the pass side window and toss fire cracker at me. Actually, not sure if that would do much damage but it sure gave me a scare when that **** started going off in my face. Followed them to where they were going(a bar, go figure), waited a bit and made sure their truck wasn't going anywhere after that. I still have their plug wires and pressure valves from their tires.
if i ever see the car again im going to jack the car up in the air take off the wheeles and put iceblocks under the axle. works great.
I get tired of kids in school busses. As nice as it is for parents to not have to worry about getting their kids to school, 100 rowdy school kids with one adult who's currently occupied with driving a bus is just a poorly thought out plan.
Just get underneath and loosen the 'ole oil drain a bit. Get em going down the road, you'll at least know where to find em in a day or two. The Dealership...
I have a friend that rides with his 38 in his pocket. Pull that out and i bet they would stop throwing coins. :D
I have a friend that rides with his 38 in his pocket. Pull that out and i bet they would stop throwing coins.

I'm no law professional, but I'm guessing that there are various statutes against physically holding a firearm while operating a vehicle ;)

That's not to say that I wouldn't pay good money to see the look on their faces :D
I'm guessing that there are various statutes against physically holding a firearm while operating a vehicle

especially one with handlebars...haha although they would never throw coins again...i would put money on it. :p
I'm guessing that there are various statutes against physically holding a firearm while operating a vehicle

Have a holster and just pull up your shirt a bit. Let em get a good look

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