Military/ LEO/ time to pray.

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
I'm not going to state my opinion on the government shutdown. I am Federal LEO and a veteran, so I'm affected by the shutdown just got my call from Washington with a message that stated, " I am to report to work with no pay and all leave or time off is cancelled!" This is the same for all current military. So this post is a simple request, please pray for everyone affected by this and let's hope this is over very soon as even there shortest shutdown hurts us.... Thank all of you who have served, continue to serve, and those that support our service.
When politicians... any politicians, are willing to hold good people hostage to leverage what they want... they need to be immediatley shot (oops!) um...removed from their position, because they have completely forgotten that they are supposed to serve us.

Sorry for the hard times man. This too shall pass. I refrain from the political madness and name calling, it's too easy to point in the other direction and shout BLAME! But the truth is every situation is much to complex to put in a Meme, and that is sadly about the same as peoples attention span.
I just want to pay my taxes and be left alone.

The King is Dead! Long live the King!
Agreed, I also not only had to work for iou's yesterday but because people didn't want to work for free we had a lot of call in's so I was there for 16hr straight.... Good luck and praying for everyone.

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