MMI Buell Program

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Jan 17, 2010
Has anyone been to MMI's Buell program and if so is it worth it? Do they even still offer Buell training after HD had a lapse of reason( more like a seizure ) and closed Buell?
I've been thinking about changing careers to something I would enjoy more, but would like to know more without the constant bombardment of calls and emails from the schools recruiters. Are there any other decent motorcycle mechanic schools out there? Any info would be helpful, Thanks.
I went to mmi and am now a master tech. I like the work but I dont think the cost of the school and tools etc is worth it for the money you make
Wyotech has a motorcycle campus in Florida. I don't know if they do HD/Buell training though. Other than Florida or Arizona, I don't think there are many other legit motorcycle mechanics schools...[confused]
Snoskate, i was thinking of doing the same thing, i actually talked to one of the guys from mmi today and he was really nice and informative. i asked about the harley/buell classes adn he told me that buell is part of the harley course. to get harley certififed you have to take a 36 week course in which buell is part of that 36 weeks. i think mmi is the only motorcycle school that offers the harley/buell certification course. hope this helps.
Hasn't anyone learned by now those schools are complete waste's of money?
Same with Machine Tool (Vocational College), but you can't get hired as a Machinist/Engineer without the degree.
Motorcycle mechanics,oh yea,I remember.It went like this:Go to school,Buy many tools,Work for 45 to 48 % comission,no benefits,stand around most of winter,esp. before christmass.Guess what 48% of 0 is. All the disadvantages of self employment,non of the advantages,especially tax time,but hey,you get to work on motorcycles,the things you loved before you started working on them.On a serious note,Its not bad if you can put yourself in a self employment statis,haveing a say so in what jobs to take on,what to charge etc. makes a big difference.I started at a yamaha dealership,worked for some engine builders,had my own little shop. When I think about all the people I knew in that buissness,not many stayed,and the ones who did are still for the most part strugling.
MMI is the only school endorsed by H-D...if that even matters. The Buell portion is only a 6 week class during your Harley training. I no longer work at a dealership because like everyone else said, there's not much money in it. Not where I live anyways. Out of all the friends I stayed in contact with from school, only 1 is still working in the motorcycle industry.
Thanks for all the input. It definitely will help when making a decision. I wouldn't expect to make a ton of money. I just want a job doing something I enjoy. Sounds like the fun eventually fades though. Does anybody have a job that absolutely kicks ass?
Does anybody have a job that absolutely kicks ass?

Yes, any job not working on other peoples vehicles or bikes ;)

My job is pretty kick ass, I build prototype medical devices and equipment, and I'm only 22. Easy, fun, boring, and hard all mixed together, but the benefits outweigh the negatives.

I dont know how old you are but I'm guessing you're young, take the time to think it out. Take some classes at a CC and research.
Bahabomber--No I'm 45.:( Been a cryogenics tech in the Marines for 13 yrs, was going for retirement but Clinton made some budget cuts and I got caught in the middle.
Was a cryo tech for Linde Gas for 8 years, but 475 hrs of OT ave per year and a ******* for a manager and it was time for a change.
Worked for myself as a handyman but no one wants to pay any decent money so that was short lived too.

Mid life crisis, seems like the only thing I enjoy is wringing out my Lighting down the road.:D Can't find anyone to pay me for that.
I just finished up my MMI Buell class Friday 1/29. I'm currently attending MMI Phoenix and love it. I can't say enough good things about my experiances there. If anyone needs any infomation or has any questions about MMI please let me know.
Agreed! Its a great school. For the first time I've been an A+ student. Guess why? Because I'm actually interested in what I'm learning. On top of that the instructors are pretty awesome! When I first heard about the bad new I asked if the Buell program would be discontinued, my instructor said "seriously, with 200,000 sold. I think they'll keep it around". I'm actually thinking about quitting my retail job right now just to work on bikes, I'll making more $ that way.
I'd probably save a bit of money beforehand because it is a bit on the expensive side...I also spent about $2000 just in the first month of moving here with the uhaul, apt fees, etc.
As for tools, you don't have to spend that much money to get a decent set of good working tools. Theres no reason to go out and buy a bunch of snap-on stuff until you can afford it, Imo. Harbor Freight is my best friend:D
I think in the end enjoying what you do for work is more important than how much it makes you. At the same time you can actually make decent money from what you learn here, but unfortunately its usually not at dealerships.
I have several friends that have recenty graduated and landed jobs pretty quick so I know the jobs are out there. I have 4 interviews lined up and two of them are coming to the school to do the interviews. Mmi is setup so you get out of it what you put into it. The instructor of my first class told us that we could go through school like a peice of corn in a digestive track in and out the same way. Its up to us to take advantage of what the school has to offer. I have had instructors that worked at the Harley test facility, one retired Harley corporate, some from Harley race teams and many that have spent years in the field turning wrenches. You wont find a better place to learn if that's what you want to do the information is there for the taking.
I graduated fom MMI Phoenix Feb 2004. I think there were a lot of slackers there who were only there because they were getting a free ride from being laid off. I was supposed to get the $ for retraining also but I got screwed out of it...that is another story I am still pissed about. [mad]

but anyway I think a lot of people go there and never work in the industry
That's for sure there is lots of slackers. That's how you get the comments like those schools are a waste of time.
Thanks guys, nice to hear some positive comments.
Besides tuition, how much $$ would you guess is needed to stay afloat monthly while in the Phoenix area? Should I bring my bike? My friend lived out there for a few years and she said the crime rate is wicked bad. She's had everything stolen within a year. Not sure if I should risk my Lightning on the streets there. If it's only 60 weeks I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put it in storage for a year. I'm in WI so some desert heat would be nice for a change. I'm trying to explore ways to make this happen. Thanks again!:)