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Awesome.. I ride on that road.

Guess I should be carrying as well.

Freaking Prius
Wtf this is pretty fed up bad enough nobody but cops see us.
I carry all the time why I have a ccw is for crazy **** you never know when or where it will happen.
Just remember you need to carry where it is not going to Hurt I worse if you do go for a slide. Why I bought a ruger lcp and carry it in a pocket holster in a breast pocket most the time.
Looking like the wild wild west on the roads anymore. Keep your eyes peeled and head on a swivel all. Remember, no one will remember who was right and who was wrong, only that a motorcycle was somehow involved.
word of advice-if you plan on buying a a pistol to carry with you, don't expect it to be a magic blanket that will save your ass. Get out and practice with it. Start with draw drills and do more than you find as fun. In the gear you plan on using it in, i.e. jacket with helmet and gloves. it makes a world of difference. Look up what it take to create muscle memory. thousands of times and not just a one time deal. practice shooting, don't just buy one box of ammo. Do failure drills. shoot in your gear at targets that look like a person. If you want your weapon to save your life it is an expensive endeavor time and money wise. Don't just pay a couple hundred hoping that something that can potentially be used against you will save your life. All the haters that say a gun won't do anything for you can shut it, if you do the proper training not just BS (like most citizens to include LEOs), a weapon will save your ass. It has been proven and will continue to be so.
Well said beefy99.

I carry a Glock 27 concealed. I've spent THOUSANDS of dollars in ammo and lane time.

A gun is a serious investment. Along with the licensing to carry concealed, you also need to know your pistol inside and out. The reason so many people shoot themselves, or lose control of their weapon is because they weren't educated in the handling/using of a gun.
oh and to all of those people who have or are going to say "im going to carry my gat" and "i would put a hole in there ass" shut the hell up you sound stupid. the odds on you being put in that situation are about 1,000,000 to 1 unless you were looking for it and if thats the case you will get whats coming to you.
True Beefy!
I love shooting, and it helps that I have a range setup at home (country living is great) I'm not saying that I'm gonna wave a gun at everyone while riding, or get in some sort of Jason statham chase scene, or join a gang (lol). I'm saying that if I'm laying there cause some dick in a prius somehow caught me, it would be nice to rely a lil on something other than a rape whistle to make the pipe wielding demolition derby driver change his mind about further damaging myself
I carry a little Kel Tec 32 when on my bike and on a car trip that is not the normal "to the corner store" trip for this very same reason. And like said above, it is important to get plenty of practice in wearing your gear shooting your weapon. I hope I never have to use it, but if needed it will be there.

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