Most frequent question?

Buellxb Forum

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2. What is the engine size? A 600? YES, BOTH CYLINDERS!

Hahaha that is the best response yet.

I usually get the "What kind of Bike is that?" then they stare at it for 10 more mins trying to figure out who makes it.
Mine is usually is that a 600 also. When I tell them its a 1200 they seem stunned but when I fire it up and they here my Hawk they smile and say damn.[up]
If it isn't a CBRKAWAHONDA, most people have no idea. I used to get this question all the time when I had my xb12s: "Man, that's a tiny bike, is it a 500 or something (giggle giggle)?" I Replied simply, no, it's a 1200. Then the usual surprised look and a "Ha, funny, yeah right." Then I fire it up and watch the jaw drop...

Still waiting on my plates (out of state military), so I haven't been riding my new to me xb12r. Can't wait for the questions about this thing; especially since I changed out the plastics to white (orange wheels). When I get the "what kind of bike is that?" I'll reply that it's a Creamsicle... Then roar away. lol
i dont really get questions......i get statments from both types of bikes. the cruisers say "you need to get a real bike" because its a street bike. then the people on the street bikes say "you need to get a real bike" because it has a V-Twin.....people really get on my nerves....
im going to have to start doing this!

I love the looks I get :)

My next favorite response to when someone asks what kind of bike it is is "sportster".

People want to be dicks about my bike so I love leaving them with a baffling response then firing it up and speeding off before they can process what I said haha.
I get a lot of: "Nice Bike" and some "Nice little bike"

then often the: " you got a burnt headlight"

and always: "it's a what??"

So then I just say.."think of it as a Harley that can accelerate, turn and stop"
what kind of bike is it, usually followed by "who makes that?"
then well it sure sounds good. Damn I love my Buell!!!
I was asked by two "Harley guys" at Dragon V: "Is that a Sportster?" I'm pretty sure I was speechless at that point! :p
I had a woman ask me:

"Why would you put a Harley motor in a sport bike?"

I heard that many times.

I'v also had someone ask me what size engine? 1200? Wow she must be fast
And I reply...No its a Harley engine.

And Buell is a German Name
I just get the "You don't see many of those around anymore".My reply "You don't have to be like everyone else".[cool]
Most of my questions have stopped since I put a Decepticon sticker on the screen.
Now I just get Cool!!! especially from any kids, or kids at heart like me.
Well this is a funny thread, i've gotten most of the above as well, deff the headlight one so i usually run hi and low now all the time. no one can understand why a sport bike sounds like a harley with the d&d of course. and my harley friends give me crap for not riding a true harley! so i just tell them if i ever get fat and lazy ill ride a harley!! that usually shuts them up plus mine sounds better than there harley's do. i also get asked often what size it is no one ever guesses anything close to 1200! and i get asked who makes it and i tell them its made by buell i just get a blank stare as if all knowledge of anything just flooded out of there minds. quite funny i think and this is why i love my buell!!
If I ever get a complete stranger that knows anything about Buells, it's a cop. I would assume that's because of the police edition Ulysses. At the local drag strip, the inspection tech looked at the tank and says, "You can almost see the gas." (Translucent Red with 100% open airbox.
Thanks to who ever gave me a Rep point... The other forum I frequent you can see who does, so you can thank em.

Ya I thought it was a funny topic too... I wanted to see what others heard. The second thing I thought was funny was to ask what has vibrated loose or fell of your bike. On mine the horn came loose, the dash guages, the fan bolts, a windshield bolt and a biker bell got 86'd faster than it took me to mount it, but in my opinion the bike didnt like the bell and got rid of it.
I get "the sound just doesn't match the look." quite a bit. which is true I guess, if you consider most of what's out there.

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