Most of them told us NO! But we still love em.

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2014
High Point, NC
It's Mother's Day guys and gals.
Even though they objected to most of our shinanagins, they still love us.
Some are still around and some are memories. Some were by birth others by choice, no matter what we all have some sort of Mother in our lives. Give em some acknowledgement today.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there.
It's Mother's Day guys and gals.
Even though they objected to most of our shinanagins, they still love us.
Some are still around and some are memories. Some were by birth others by choice, no matter what we all have some sort of Mother in our lives. Give em some acknowledgement today.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there.

nicely spoken carlos. and regarding your chosen title to this thread.....see the below from my youth.....year 1971....age 17 as follows:
"Dad...i don't like to keep riding your 350 Yamaha and my Bridgestone 100 ain't fast enough to ride down to Linda's house in Maryland for poon-tang. can i get something bigger?"
"Ya maybe boy. what were ya looking at?"
"A guy in the newspaper has a 70 kawasaki MachIII-500 triple for sale dad. ad says $700 but he told me on the phone he'd take $600."
"So you already called him? did you get directions? let's go look at it."
fast forward to the next day at seller's house with dad viewing the MachIII-500 Triple:
"will ya take $600 for it? i mean it really looks like new."
"ya kid...$600 works for me. and's still like new. you've ever ridden anything like this?"
"no sir but man it is beautiful."
DAD: "Jesus Christ that thing looks fast! you have any tools lying around? we're going to have to remove that 500 emblem from the left side cover before we take it home or his MOTHER is going to kill us both."
Speak for yourself. I sold my mom her latest bike haha.

Badass!! ^^^^^^

My mom didn't know I bought myself a jet black 1986 Ninja 1000R, until my sister gave me up:black_eyed: That was interesting discussion.

When I say 'interesting' I mean she yelled a LOT, but let me keep it. I love that woman:love_heart:
Ha, I told my parents I was getting a 1986 Suzuki gsxr 750 after I gave the guy a deposit. They said if I bring it home I was outta the house. Pffffffft, yeah right......I'll do what I wanna do. Brought it home and was handed my dad's dodge van keys by my mother and was told to load it up and get it outta the driveway and I could go with it! Needless to say they weren't joking. Off I went, no way was I getting rid of that blue and white gsxr. They obviously can't stop me today I'm a grown man. To this day though even after going to the track for yrs with my pop (road circuit and drag) neither he nor my mom will come see me at the race track. I get a text in the morn with, be safe and give us a text when you're done, love you. I love them both dearly, can't be mad at them for trying to stop me.......EDIT..broke the windshield in that ugly blue dodge van with the crappy 2x8 I used to load the bike into the van, it was long......the van was long too. One of those extended vans that had that long ugly four feet hanging passed the rear wheels. Bike in, 2x8 in and on the dash against the windshield, slammed the back door and it pushed the 2x8 into the windshield. My parents especially my pop were PISSED!
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That pic was taken 14yrs ago. When my sister graduated from Cornell university and I rode my 2003 VFR from NC to Ithaca NY.
That pic expressed my mothers approval of the bike.
My Mom was the type that would slap anyone for being disrespectful or rude around her. She didn't care who you were, who your parents were, or were you came from.