Lol John, I wish Neil could have made it but he is too cool for me... Lol
I wish the story was better but here goes....
It started at the finish line pub at NJMP after the races with my buddy Chris and I supervising the bikini competition while rehydrating with the most premium of hops. The show was great a lot of beautiful girls covering too much up lol. With the competition ending the want to see what's under the bikinis was strong, so we headed back towards are hotel in Vineland. We get to this dive looking strip joint that we planned to go to on the way back to the hotel, we stroll in pumped to drink and watch the bikini contest with no bikinis.... long story short this "strip club" was a no nudity "bikini club"! It was a terrible end to the night, so we drank for a while saw another bikini contest then headed back to the hotel with a Dennys attached to have another few beers and breakfast.
Sorry for the boring story, is every strip club like that in NJ??