Mounting a tank bag

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2011
I recently purchased an A* Tech Aero tank bag. This thing is incredible, and comes with straps to mount to non-ferrous tank areas/airbox covers. However, how the flip would I mount something like this? It seems like anywhere I would route the straps they'd get melted or caught up.

Anyone have this or a similar bag? How do you mount them? Pics would be awesome! One gent that reviewed the bag said he used some triglides on his Monster, but I can't really tell how he made this happen.
i looked at the bag on that link and appears to be fairly standard mounting strap positions. what i did for similar bag on my lightning and firebolt is run the front strap as one piece around front of headstock and use a pair of the largest(widest dimensionally) plastic zipties to secure strap to front of headstock. i removed the flyscreen to make it much easier to do. center bag so that the front portion covers at least 1/2 of filler cap area. you want middle of bag centered on middle of airbox ocver. move it around until it it centered and suits you. for rear strap you can either loop around shock mount area or if it is single strap get very small screw with large stainless washer and secure to lowest portion of rear of airbox it gently. seat will cover the screw. hope that helps.
Definitely gave me some ideas, thanks a lot for the time you took to post pics and give advice. The A* bag has straps on the sides that look like they're there to hug the bike, but I'll probably have to route them more forward and aft like yours.

Yours looks really secure. I'll probably tape up my quick releases so no one will come by and swipe the mounting pad (though they could obviously just cut it or take the time to unravel the tac tape I'll use)
Oh snap, looks like my ASB seat just got in, good excuse to remove it and attempt to mount the bag :)
I mounted a chick once in high school science class. I got expelled also.

Luntic I got some more reflectors if you need to dress the tail on the bike any further. It almost looks like a two wheeled flamingo. :D[up]
I'm kidding:p
justaerin: the straps that appear to be side straps might work pretty nicely for you. the airbox covers come off these bikes in about 30 seconds so you might be able to fasten them under the airbox. don't tape over your quick release buckles if you center the bag over any portion of the gas filler as you wouldn't be able to remove bag to add fuel. just a thought.
lesley....chime in on sticker and reflectors for this boy when you have a moment...please. :D:D
Oh snap, I'll look into that! I'll be working the install here in about 45 minutes with my seat :D
Well, it's on. I tried to see if there was some good way to route this under the air box cover, but once I had it off I just simply couldn't figure out a good way :\

Can you guys check where I routed these and let me know if you see any potential issues with controls or heat or abrasion? I took it for a test ride and it felt a little odd, maybe because I can't control as well with my core with this thing strapped to the bike.


Right side front strap, untightened

Under frame, under seat, behind motor

Left side around front

Left side where it was routed under frame below the seat

Around shock mount. Kind of a B to fit the seat on, but it works.
if you're happy with its position, can readily get to the fuel filler cap, and it's reasonably stable and not moving around at highway speeds then you should be good to go. but i would put either black or clear vinyl or some similar protective piece under any buckle that touches the airbox cover...or under the straps where they might be rubbing against the frame as i see in your pics. most cycle shops stock self-sticking vinyl that is normally used to stick-on #'s for racing, etc. just a thought.
Here is what I did for the Cortec bag on my Firebolt:
The front strap goes under the airbox cover and is looped around the fuel filler neck.



The rear strap is wrapped around the top shock mount and sticks out from under the seat.


Ahhhh see I think I might be able to make that work. There is another strap that comes with this thing that looks more like a carry handle but it may work. To accomplish wrapping around the fuel filler neck, did you also have to lift the plastic cover directly over the air filter? I'm not sure of the terminology... the air box cover, then the second plastic box inside?
I did not have to disturb the inner air box cover. I only removed the yellow outer cover. The straps stay on the bike whether I have the tank bag mounted or not, and cause no problem.