MSF Course BS...

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Its marketed as a beginner course. So you should need no prior knowledge of bikes to get through it and be proficient on the road. To me these would both would be pretty important.
My wife went to a course for beginner riders, at least that's what they promoted it as. The course was won through a local ride. The bikes would barely run let alone shift properly. When she had issues they would yell at her and finally told her to reschedule to a later date. 90% of the riders at this beginner's course were veteran riders that wanted lower insurance costs. She rescheduled but was so humiliated she never went back. She has no real want to ride on her own except 2up with me now.
the nerves of an instructor basically telling you whether you just wasted tour money,

That's another point I didn't think of. Here in PA it's a free course, so if you got kicked out it would be one thing. On the other hand if you paid to take the course and they tried to kick me out, I'd either be going home with a refund check in my hand, or I'd be riding that Honda Rebel home.
The MSF class I took was very informative for new riders. The instructor was awsome and was very helpful to an extent. We covered everything from panic stops, counter steering, high & low speed swervs, and so on. For those of us that had been on 2 wheels before ( dirt bikes) the class was fairly easy and we actually helped those that struggled. In the end he was fair about grades and 2 people did not pass. they where given the chance to come back within 2 weeks and retake the entire class at no extra charge. Honestly I didnt think either one needed to be within 100ft of a motorcycle, but that was not my chioce to make. Point is if your not ready.........well then your just not ready. Its better to fail the coures than to be killed because some instructor just didnt care. To me the computer test at the DMV was harder than the 2 day class.......NONE of the questions asked where even covered by the class or the DMV's study booklet.
Where I took it. (Motorcycle Safety School, Bronx, NY) They tell you that if you drop the bike, you're going to have to sit out. I don't think it's a "bye, see ya.. dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" .. From what I understand, it's more like "with the way you're riding, you pose a danger to the other students if you're on the range with them at the same time." and they schedule you back at another time that's less busy or try to sign you up for a private lesson or two before continuing with the brc.

Before I took my class, I took one private lesson (they recommend 3, but I only found in time to take one.) While waiting for my lesson, I was watching a BRC taking place on another part of the range and this meathead, high sides when doing the abrupt stop. He leaps clear as the bike hits the ground, and stumbles on to all fours. After he recovers.. he swears,hits his palm with his fist and starts to walk away from the bike.. just leaving it there. They made him come back, pick up the bike before they would walk it off to examine it. He watched the rest of the course from the sidelines. Theres was another girl who, dropped a bike when she got back to the staging area pretty much standing still. Noone forced her off. I think sometimes it's more of an overall assessment than the drop incident. The drop incident could just be the final straw.
I took the class and as I recall the instructor told us if you drop the bike you are done. That was thefirst day. Over all it was good we were taughtto countersteer and stuff, Maybe it is theinstructors.
I dumped their bike during the box turn. They helped me pick it up, and we moved it to the side to straighten the bent stuff. They just kinda laughed it off, and said "yeah, some stuff is tough. We've seen worse."

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