Must be getting old: swapped out Jardine for Stock!!!

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captain chaos

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Kokomo, In
Yep, my bike came with a Jardine slip-on when I bought it. Although I REALLY like the way it sounds, there's just a little TOO much 'sound' coming from it. I can't help but feel like an absolute jack-hole every time I leave the house at 6:30 in the morning, or ride though a residential area, or pass someone with their window down. Maybe I'm getting old??? [sad]

Anyway, the bike came with the stock exhaust and ECM so I decided to put it on for kicks.
Knowing full well it would be TOO quiet I decided to lock the active exhaust valve open to give it just a little more 'body'. Well, I got it all done and I have to say, that stock exhaust sounds pretty darn good (actually never heard a stock Buell before- Lol!)! It's a big 'barrel-chested' kind of sound that plays in perfect harmony with the airbox growl. It's a very un-Harley like; very deep, smooth and bass-y without that distinct 'staccato' of individual cylinders firing like you hear on 100-billion other Harley's. I REALLY like it!
I also noticed a BIG jump in low end power (below 3000rpm) and it seems to pull clean to a much lower RPM without that 'engine's gonna jump out of the frame' shudder you get from lugging it. There is a definitely loss in midrange though (between 3000-4500). :( Up top it feels about the same.
I may try to mod the stock muffler a little bit to try and get just a little more sound from it (it's just a touch quiet). Otherwise I'm gonna ride it for a while and see if I miss that ear splitting roar that the Jardine delivered.[up]
I did the same, pulled the D&D. Went back to stock, kept the K&N and a race map. Now I don't get the headaches and the ringing in my ears when I ride without earplugs.
Torque Hammer II is a good compromise! ;)

Nice sound without making your ears bleed and even comes with a dB killer if you want to silence it a bit more.

I can't help but feel like an absolute jack-hole every time I leave the house at 6:30 in the morning, or ride though a residential area, or pass someone with their window down. Maybe I'm getting old???
Not old, just empathetic & confident that dB don't equal speed or skill.

We ought to be able to use our own good judgement on when it's acceptable to crack the throttle & when it's not, but clearly some bikers just don't get it.

Every time some Harley-wristed dick head invades my home, & wakes my family, with that ridiculous aural-assault of a flatulent hippo, I wince with embarrassment over the small penis he must be cursed with.
Every time some Harley-wristed dick head invades my home, & wakes my family, with that ridiculous aural-assault of a flatulent hippo, I wince with embarrassment over the small penis he must be cursed with.

LMAO!!!! :D:D
Every time some Harley-wristed dick head invades my home, & wakes my family, with that ridiculous aural-assault of a flatulent hippo, I wince with embarrassment over the small penis he must be cursed with.

Go: you know i respect you and think you canucks are great folks.........but don't ever lose sight of the fact that "loud pipes save lives." :D:p
don't ever lose sight of the fact that "loud pipes save lives."
Haha, well if those jack-offs blasting their loud pipes at 1am on my quiet residential street are relying on noise to save their lives, I'd recommend they try a basic rider training course as a more effective strategy instead! :D
^^^ i hear ya. in my little burg there is a semi-dump on the main street called "Helen's Corner Bar". you can only imagine what hangs out there but vast majority is wannabe outlaw bikers and anybody & everybody who just hung a set of drag pipes on their new CowGlides. you should hear THAT place let out at closing time. chrysler!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went from a Drummer on my xb9 to a stock 12 muffler and haven't regretted it for an instant. Mine wasn't tuned for the drummer, so the difference in 'drivability' and power was a MAJOR improvement going back to stock exhaust.

While I do think louder exhaust can get you noticed while riding in people's blind spots on the highway (and why would you be doing that anyway?) I don't buy into the 'loud pipes save lives' hype. At least not with how retarded loud people are running them nowadays. If loud exhaust really saved lives, there'd be a **** load of dead Goldwings out there.
Every time some Harley-wristed dick head invades my home, & wakes my family, with that ridiculous aural-assault of a flatulent hippo,
STILL not as bad as the jerk-off truck drivers with straight pipes and a jake-brake!

However....Use some 'common sense' with your bike (Mustang/Camaro, etc. etc.) if you run a performance style exhaust.
STILL not as bad as the jerk-off truck drivers with straight pipes and a jake-brake!

I'm a truck driver and I approve of this message.

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