My 1125CR Project

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May 12, 2009
So I completely forgot to share my CR build with you guys so I thought I'd post it here and a few other forums. Although it's now done and the bike has been sold (I miss it!!) here is a pic of the finished bike. Also, there's a brief thread I started in our forums below and the final installment will be in the March issue that should be in stores soon.

The graphics were supposed to be a modern spin-off of an old XR flat tracker but due to deadlines they didn't really hit the mark. Despite the serious time constraints the project turned out OK though.

Thanks all

In total the biks has:

Pazzo polished/black levers
Jardine fender eliminator
Jardine carbon slip-on
Jardine ProTune3
Buell white/polished wheels
Avon Venom VP2 tires
Galfer Pads
FLUDesigns graphics
Buell tank graphics
A few miscellaneous pieces were powdercoated
De-smogged (removed the throttle solenoid and replaced it with the Buell resistor)
G'day from Oz 3cRider... I'm lookin at puttin the same pipe on my 10 CR. How do you rate the pipe performance and noise wise. Also what do i have do regarding the management system.. is that the Pro tune 3...???? is it easilly replaced with no hassles. and how much$$$$$$.
Bike looks sweet by the way.. I bet your spewin its gone, have you replaced it yet.
To be honest, the fit and finish of the pipe was top notch, it made good power and it sounds great. Only catch, it's pretty loud! I mean it barks! Like loud enough that it sets car alarms off. If you don't mind that and live in an area that isn't overly populated it's AWESOME!
As for the Protune, it worked well and helped curb the lean partial throttle and down-low settings. However, like similar units on the market, you can't remove fuel from the factory settings so up top where it would go rich we just had to live with. But a little rich is safe and the pipe and Protune made great power compared to the stock setup!
Beatifull ,I've seen that bike before

Yup bike is straight out of the pages from Super Street Bike.

It really needs a lower chin fairing.

Still curious to why you went with white wheels? With that in the latest issue I was just lost at the whole look. You would have been better off powdercoating the stock wheels a custom color, which would look much cooler and cost much less.
Yeah but I feel the polished or chrome would have flawed the overall design as nothing else on the bike is silver let alone chrome or shiny. Maybe a brushed lip on the black wheel would have had the best and easiest overall look.
Yeah I agree as well, originally we were going with the Buell "Sunset Orange" wheels. With that all set we went ahead and hit the graphics first.
When the "Sunset Orange" wheels showed up they weren't orange at all, but actually fire-engine red. We were on deadline and had no choice but to run the back-up set I ordered (the white/polished). In the end the white is definitely different, but ultimately it was plan B. Had we gotten the wheels first, I would have ran with the red theme.

Alas, deadlines more often than not can change how a project turns out.
that bike rocks.. like the graphics (the last of the breed) and usually I dont care much for big graphics on bikes, as it usually takes away from the true form, looks, design and engineering of the bike , but this just adds to those aspects of the bike.
I agree with extremelow on the rims, custom color would be alot better , like black and orange like the graphics or just black or just orange.

makes me wanta add a 1125 R or CR in the garage,
so i can have another wicked rare breed bike along side my XB12R..
Could you please elaborate on the following:

"De-smogged (removed the throttle solenoid and replaced it with the Buell resistor)"

(Apologies if this is common knowledge)

What does this accomplish? Any adverse effects to bike, ECM, warranty, etc. How much$$$?

Thanks, bike looks great!

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