Liked the look and idea was gonna buy 1 from evilxb got tired of waitin so with a case of beer and the help of a friend we made this 1 in about 5hrs. Not perfect but just our prototype. Let me know what ya think at [email protected] or this thread
1. yes we can make more just need some interest
2. been on the bike for a month now with no probs.
3. need input on what its worth
4. thinkin of makin one to give to a member here with good rep. to let me and the others know what they think of it
I would be the perfect person since i just bought this type and can mount ine on my GF's lightning and one on my bike to give a side be side comparison.
I like your design better And would love to do a side by side test o the two since my GF, Buellchick here on the forum has a Lightning she could moun it to and I could mount mine to my Ss swing arm.
We ride together all the time so it would give us the ability to do a real world side by side for fit, finish, and overall quality.
Feel free to email me, I would pay for shipping to help out too.
The one xtreme has is nice for the price. As for the one i made me and my dude who is a welder seen evlxbs design and just decided to take a crack at it. as for mass production we never planned on makin anymore due to the cost and labor that goes into it. i just like this design due to the fact it bolts onto the swingarm with no extra parts needed.