My baby she's one of a kind

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Bet it sounds sick with that pipe as well. My buddie just got a force pipe. Holy beast! Can you post sound clips lovndaddy?
extremelow to be honest i dont know my brother in law lowered it when he had it and the only difference is i recently painted my mirrors and signal light blue are you trying to lower yours cause i can find out for sure and post it

yea it does it's really LOUD my neighbors do like it especially when i take it to work in the am and yea i'll have to find some kind of way to get it with good quality i think i have a few videos i'm not sure if how to post videos if it's the same way as pictures
you trying to lower yours cause i can find out for sure and post it

Nope I already have mine lowered. Just curious to how it got so low? Thinking Scg shock, then maybe a lower bracket??? I hope he didn't cut the spring.

And how much does the front hit? I had my forks slipped much less than that and the fender would slap the motor mount on hard bumps
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Hope I didnt confuse you ;)

Also, force does make a baffel for the pipe that you can pack to quit it down just a bit if you are interested I can get you more info. Dang...she is low. It looks like the chin fairing is hitting the ground! If it works I am seriously interested on my info about the drop. Looks great like I said before.
ok well i guess i'm gonna have to find out for sure for my sake and the front fender never hit or rubed on me yet.
the only difference is i recently painted my mirrors and signal light blue
and i had to cut lower and reweld the exhaust cause i keep braking exhaust studs in the front and i figured it was because of the way my brother in law had it all he had was an exhaust clamp holding it up just in the front so i made new brackets a added rubber mounts on it front and rear and so far knock on wood its successful

ok jobe i'll set it up and get some sound
yea i'd be interested in it cause i am respectful theres times to be loud and not i just got back not that long ago on it i guess it was about 11:30ish where i'm at and i would have liked it to be a lil quieter i was riding at the lowest rpms to quiet it down some but with that pipe it dont help much and i shut it off a good ways from my house and coasted in my driveway

no you didn't confuse me i'll get it for ya and you want more details on the drop
Almost looks like the front is raked out but I have a feeling it is due to the dramatic drop in the rear.
phew finaly got it its kinda sloppy it's at night and i'm video n with one hand with my phone i'll get better ones tomorrow
