My hottest ride so far!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2008
It was a toasty 97 degrees (105 heat index) here in St. Louis, MO. I missed most of the traffic but it was HOT as hell. I will be leaving her parked tomorrow. It just wasn't much fun.:(
Buells are not the best during the heat, plus if wear your gear like one should it makes it even worse.
I did the ERC class here in Phoenix out at Luke AFB, in August 2007, Still Air, had to be 112-115 in the shade, I have no idea what it was out on the Concrete. I was suffering from heat exhaustion, nearly passed out on the bike pulled out of the exercises, had to rest and rehydrate. Idling the bike around the course at 15-20 most of the day, Heat rising off up off the rear cylinder and into my face was unbearable, not my Idea of fun. Gear was all completely soaked, helmet was slimy, my mess jacket was wet. the bike was overheated and pinging pretty bad until I got back out on the road to get airflow over the cylinders, and cool everything off.

I really feel your pain.
yessir, i ride my bike to work every day here in san antonio TX. I wear all the gear cause i am smart and cause i have to in order to get on base, lol. it was 107 today.... man was i sweaty when i came in.... good thing we have showers at work....