My next project (teaser)

Buellxb Forum

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I give you a big [up] for thinking outside the box. If I give you a picture of my wife can you re-work her the way you did the bike ? Any improvement would be great !
Dave, if you made the exhaust look like this, that would be so awesome!!!!!:p (not)

Looks like an albino Praying mantis transformer. Kind of cool. The tail section looks a little plankish and empty though. Though you could probably stick a giant fan (or maybe dual fans) back there with a custom shroud on it for shape to keep the heat down.
^^^Wouldn't be complete without a NOS bottle!;) I like the front. The tail does look too thin or has too much gap. Just my opin-ee-on!
Don't forget your black and pink airbrushed skull paint scheme. No lowered, extended, NOS bottle toting "custom" is complete without it!
dave xb12r,
that paint scheme looks like "one mean pokeman beast"!!! post more pix [up]
You think so? I'm just going to modify the yamaha fairing stay so that it bolts up. Going to do the same with the tail. I'll have to extend the battery cables into the airbox area too.
If it were me, I'd somehow try to get the exhaust off my first bike in there. Just sayin


BUT the coolest exhaust ive ever seen in a lifetime!!
You think so?  I'm just going to modify the yamaha fairing stay so that it bolts up. Going to do the same with the tail. I'll have to extend the battery cables into the airbox area too.

You're going to use the yamaha tail mounts on the buell?