New Battery: fan keeps running

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So Silverrider trolled us? Why the picture in his post was 90 deg turned? It looks like Silverrider created the account then took that picture from the craigslist, turned it 90 deg to hide the crime and posted it here.

But if this is not Silverrider, why that person does not describe the real reason the motorcycle does not start in the advisement? He crosed the cables and now is trying to hide his crime and selling the motorcycle like nothing happened! If he would described what he did it would help the new owner to fix it, but he did non do that. Not cool :down:
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I told you guys it was a troll post. It stunk on the very first read.
I don't think so. The same guy cross posted on BadWeb.

I should talk him down a bunch because it doesn't run and end op with a pretty sweet ride:rolleyes: Probably nothing wrong but a fuse, worst case is an ECM and I can get those for $80:angel:
WOW.... Ok Yes i posted bike for sale. With the interest text and calls I got I did tell them exactly what I did and the end result of what happened. Not trying to be sneaky or jerk. Just feel like a idiot on what I did wrong with the battery install. I thought all battery terminals were the same.
I could not find any dealer or shop in LA who would work on my bike. and speaking yesterday to someone @ glendale harley he recommended two shops but no go for Buells so I called back and he said there is a great support out there on the web, take your time, I might be able to get it going. So That is what i'm going to do. I'm not a mechanic but I can try.
even though I don't ride much I love my Buell. I sold my Harley to purchase My Buell and glad i did.
I hope I can receive help here.
I’ll help you....
Be honest and upfront in your for sale add.
AFTER THAT, drop your price to $3000
Doesn’t sound like you really want to fix any of the issues that have occurred due to crossing the terminals.
Otherwise you would be reporting on the items lunatic and the others suggested you check.
Someone has A LOT of work on their hands and from your previous posts it sounds like you don’t have the time or skill to perform that work properly.
I might be wrong......
This is continues to be a 100% troll thread, started by a bitter forum member who was posting BS and got called out on it. So they created an alternate account in a failed attempt to secretly win the internet by becoming a certified keyboard warrior. Quite pathetic actually.

Current suspects are (TPEHawk (AKA TeaBag), Chicago, Fabiodriven, and that guy who tried to sell hand grips for $200)..... My guess is TeaBag though. He has been on suicide watch his last few posts. He is everywhere and he is extra cunty lately.
You forgot to include Silverrider in the list of suspects. He found the Craigslist advertisement which is too suspicious.
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Silverrider is always finding Craigslist adds so what's your point.

Exactly! He found the advertisement, registered new user and posted the picture from the advertisement turning it 90 deg to hide the crime. The only thing he did not expect is that posting the link to this advertisement here is going highlight his crime.

The only way to clean his reputation if nameso will post some pictures of this motorcycle here which are not presented in the advertisement and maybe adjust the advertisement by our request. I do not think that Silverrider created this advertisement, so assuming this is not his advertisement and not his crime the advertisement can be modified and some unique pictures can be posted here. Well, in this case actually all suspects from GregoXB list can be removed.
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Jeez, This is all going off the deep end in a big hurry. Time for all participants to back off several notches and take a deep breath.

Come on, this is a help and share forum, not a big D**K waving place. Light tales and stories are all good, but this thread is just plain vicious.

I just feel bad for the guy trying to sell that motorcycle on Craigslist. He is gonna get a whole bunch of questions about damage from crossing the battery terminals. Unknown to him that some disgruntled troll on Buellxb is playing games with his post.
Silverrider is always finding Craigslist adds so what's your point.

If you take the word “Silverrider” and rearrange the letters (and add or subtract a few) it spells “troublemaker”.

If you do the same to the word “troublemaker” you get “lunaticfringe”.

Just sayin’

SR and LF are :up: in my book. Lol
I am closing the thread on the request of some members. FYI, I also checked if the OP created a duplicate account, but found no proof of that. None of the IPs match with any other existing accounts.
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