Well the g/f and I drove an hour south today and picked up a brand new 2009 Buell 1125CR in black. We got it from Suburban Motors Buell in Thiensville, Wisconsin. They gave us a killer deal and the customer satisfaction is awesome. I took some pics when we got home. Keep in mind I drove it home in the rain. Will get better (clean) pics later. This is our third buell. We are going to be selling the black X1 if anyone is intrested. It is a 02 with under 5000 miles. Anyways onto the pics...
Also what kind of handlebars can I get for a more upright riding postion (part #/link?)
Is there any DIY mods that you can do? Let me know or send a link. Thanks...

Also what kind of handlebars can I get for a more upright riding postion (part #/link?)
Is there any DIY mods that you can do? Let me know or send a link. Thanks...