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I've got a 2003 XB9S. oh and the light stays on now. before when I first noticed the light, it would only come on during slow moving traffic (when the fan should have come on but didn't).
Ok, well, it could be that your engine temp. sensor is out. Thats what lets your fan know when to actually start and stop. Honestly, if I were you, I'd bite the bullet and take it in to your local Buell dealership and have them diagnose the problem. Cost on that would be about 95 bucks. Not bad considering the price of a new cooling system if it gets any kind of heat damage. Not to mention the posible long term engine damage.
Wow, 1st day of registering and you've got plenty of questions Mike. Figured I'd put in 2 cents to help out.

If I do have to chase wires, where should I start.
To ID the area of interest (after ruling out the obvious sources like bad/dead battery, kickstand switch, etc): place the key in off position, disconnect the negative wire from the battery terminal, place a multimeter set to milliAmps between the negative terminal and the ground wire. If it reads anything other than 0 you have a short somewhere running current to ground. Now start pulling fuses from the block one at a time until the needle drops to 0, indicating you have opened the circuit. This will identify the "area of interest".
God Dammit Man I think You've Got It! I like your style, I like your moves. I hope it helps. They're not always as informative as I would like here. Remember, Service questions online take away from actual in store service. They are probably gonna be a bit candid with the info. I'm all about folks helping out with any and all questions. So please feel free to throw down any info you might have on any issue. Including issues we haven't run into since I've been here with you. Thanks to all, and good night. You stay classy Buell Aficionado.