new custom x1 tail

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Thanks Bud-

I think i am going to strip the powdercoat and send it out for black anodizing... I have a batch of parts going out for work and going to toss that in.... Also think I am going to do my bankes shifter and B2R brake pedal.... now that I think of it, ill to my B2R pegs also.

Still working on the shoe design... i have come up with one and want to mod it a little. Ill send you a prototype shortly!

Still need to get my plate mounted. Im going to weld 2 tabs onto my electronics tray and mount the plate basically where yours is. Then machine a mount for my penske shock, and should be in good shape for the riding season!
Nice... Everything black anodized will look awesome. Did you go with the 1 or 2 bolt design on the shoe? My header will be done soon I hope! Can't wait to get it mounted up. The shoe is the last piece in that puzzle. I had planned on black ceramic coating my new header and am debating doing the race muffler too. Dunno yet.

I have yet to sort out a permenant taillamp. Yers it unique fo sho.
saw your masterpiece! whats the final price for you to do 1 more?i just picked up my 2001 xi love it except the rear wheel barrow plate holder .would also like dual headlights,any suggs?thanks keep up the inspiration!!!!