New forum section for Buell X1, M2 and S3 riders

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Hey guys add one mor to your old school Buells. I recently bought an 01 X1 Lightning. It has a Vance and Hines exhaust, K&N air filter and race ecm. I love the Bike the way it is but can't wait to do things to it to make it mine. Would love to find some relly cool aftermarket rims, but so far not having any luck.
Hey everyone, one more tuber for the books, just bought my 99 M2 a couple weekends ago with about 18K, now has closer to 19K. The bike has ceramic coated headers, vance & hines muffler, k&n filter on a forcewinder intake, and breather kit installed. Talk about bang for the buck, I got it on the south side of $3k :D Tach and twin pod cluster is on the way with a Buell race air filter in the near future. Also, any riders in the Jacksonville/Wilmington area that want someone to ride with I'm always out and about.
Hi I just bought my brothers 2000 m2 cyclone with 7,700 miles :)
The bad the clutch seems to be slipping why? I did adjust the clutch at the cable next to the engine after riding 200 miles. What should I do?
It's good to hear about all the tubers joining our ranks.If you take reasonable care of these bikes they will last.Since I bought my 1999 X1 10/29/2010,I've put more than 9500 miles on her.
hi guys got a 2000 x1 with an engine knock and air in my oil in the reservior anyone have an idea? I think it's my oil pump but don't know.null
Hi group! I have had a 2000 S3T since 2001 and it is great. Just rode from Vancouver BC to Denver and back with nary a hicup. The question of the day is,the upper motor mount. With the stock unit I would get about 6000 km then the center would pull out and the motor would drop down. After number 3 I went to a big twin mount . Has a big washer bonded to it. Have about 8000k on it and looks fine. The rear isolators were changed under wty and are still ok. Has the full race kit and the packing blew out of the race muffler years ago. I have a '49 Vincent Rapide that is almost as much fun. So, has anyone had issues with the top mount?
So, has anyone had issues with the top mount?

I have only had the front motor mount head bolt break off in the head. Havent had any issues with the front mount itself. Although it does have the lastest mount and a stenzel bar on it as well. Welcome to the board!
Any one have the speedo sleeping on the job then spring into life, only to have a quick nap. then wake up? Just did it today for the first time. Did this for about 40 km and now works fine. The other wierdness is motoring along at speed only to have a sensation that feels like the cush drive slipped one tooth ou the belt drive slipped.Does it once every couple of thousand km. Nothing obvious.
Any of you out there get the chance to go to Dream Cycle Museum in Sorrento BC, do it. Was there yesterday and it was great. About 40 old British bikes.
I just joined. I bought my 1997 Buell new and rode it rain or shine in Houston until five years ago. It's been sitting in the garage waiting for me to trace down an electrical short in the rear harness (instantly blows the fuse if I brake or turn on the turn signal).
Where can I get a manual with wiring diagram for '97 S3T?
Also, what's the easiest way to clean out the carb after extended garage time?
Random thought incase it helps. I was having a similar problem once, any time I turned the fuse was blowing. Turned out that when I put my seat on, I pinched the cable under the seat and every time I turned on the turn signal it would short out. This was an XB, I'm not sure how the S3T seats are, but that's the first place I'd look!

I'd just pull the carb apart and clean it out, if it looks especially gross you could soak some parts in pinesol to really clean it out.
Went back to Dream Cycle Museum and bought his '92 Sportster Storz flat track conversion. 1200cc kit and all the trimmings except forks. I sold my '65 Velo Thruxton last year and the garage looked empty. Think I will make a cafe racer if I can find an alloy Manx style tank.
Bump well I'm new to form made a few post about a wiring issue I'm having not getting to many answers.I've save a 99 x1 from a long journey to the scrap yard here in AZ. With the hopes of getting it ready for the Tucson drag strip only problem I'm having is there is no spark and I've test the coil I have power to the coil , power to the crank position sensor, and signal from ecu to crank position , but no power from ecu to coil.. any help would be great o even a wire diagrams would help thank you
What about the ign control module. I have a 98 s3 and I had a no spark issue ha power and everything at the coil but the ign control module ended up being the problem. It had a compu fire selectable electronic advance ignition module that was crap so I put a stock one on it and it started right up. I know mine is carb'd and yours is injected but maybe something to look into

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