well the fact there are 2 scales on the graph might help one on. The left side and one on the right side
if there was only one numerical scale for hp and TQ then yes they would cross at 5252. Also SAE corrected horsepower and torque have been on different scales. All you see is SAE corrected on the REAR WHEEL.
Most peopel ignoring the fact that the NUMBERS are supposed to match at 5252rpm, if the Y-AXIS if different, they will NOT CROSS on a graph, guys this is basic graphing. That's having a speedometer where each line is incremented 5mph, and another speedometer where each line is spaced out exactly the same as above but they're incremented 10mph, then accelerating up to 60 miles an hour, and expecting the needle to be at the exact same spot. For all intents are purposes these graphs placed on the same sheet of paper on a different scaling.
Hopes this helps.