Good eye NJ! Being a later bike, it has no hole through the frame from the LSS. The top of my air box is gone now (just a filter), and the whole air box cover is open where it goes under the seat for plenty of flow with much less intake noise. For the engineers in the audience:black_eyed: Yes, it's less-dense, warmer air from the engine heat, instead of cool air from the front, but there was no correction from the ECM.
As a side note, I have put plenty of different covers on her including an older XB style thick carbon fiber one with no openings at all. I did a bunch of riding and she ran well and the AFV didn't move much, telling me there was enough air getting in. I'd still like to see a proper dyno pull though. I cut some big holes in it later and other than getting much louder, the tune still didn't change.