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Black bike with bright background takes some practice.

Henri, you should look into HDR photography. You basically take 2 pictures, one exposed for the background and the other exposed for the bike. Then there are programs that merge them like photomatix or photoshop. I have a HDR app for my iPhone, it makes real HDR pictures and it was only $1.99
Thanks Dave,

First the pipe, it just waits to go.

At this moment I am deciding which model (Remus or Blaster). As I want it to be approved for the EU.
Also I am looking into coating (or replacing) header to black.
Due to some travelling I need to find out when to order. So it will not get sent back, when I aint present to receive it!
I will sure look into the HDR pictures. But using different 'stops' on my camera would require a tri-pod or not?

The locations are Toledo and Aranjuez in Spain. Great country for driving.

For more info I probably better open another thread as I do not want to use this one for discussions.

Henri66 A.K.A. BU(E)LL
I have "Pro HDR" on my iPhone

Henri, I would recommend using something to at least set your camera on. The iPhone app actually aligns the pictures, but the other programs do not.
Well, It was a long 2009. But 2010 is here, I'm finally back in Texas with the bike I've made my starter mod's taken a few pics. I'll have some more major stuff done in the next month or so. I have alot of 3-4 day weekends for the next two three months. The weather is cold a balls but for the most part dry so I've been able to use the bike as my daily driver around post. So far i have a wopping 600 miles under my belt! It's been all highway and on post so far but I've been hitting a lot of exit ramps and slowly gaining confidence in leaning this thing over. I'm still scared shitless and haven't been going very fast at all but I know that'll come. Anyways, I'll stop rambling and show a few pics of the mods I made over my end of tour leave.




Dave...ideally you take 3 or more photos for HDR. One exposed normally, one at +1, one at -1. Photomatix also aligns them. I like to 3 or sometimes even 5 or 6 exposures to really crank it up.
crossroads -7 degree

Marko, I've done tons of HDR pics, and I've never had a problem with only 2 images. I've done experiments starting with 6 and working my way down to 2. They come out the same. But then again, I'm not a pro photog, just a pro videog and graphic D
ya know nuage, when I was posting that I was trying to get the perspective and wondered aloud to myself if they were not the
-7's....(considered referencing buellchicks ride, she has the 0's)

being that I had just 4:20'ed I figure I would go with what I thought I saw....LOL

they look pretty decent for being rattle can'ed [up]
Dave...don't mean any disrespect, brother. The way I understand it a true HDR is atleast 3 images.
Buelltech, that is a screamin' deal for what you paid. I like the red rim stripes....they add just a bit of color to the black wheels.
Buddha, if you look close on the left side and at around the center you can see where it chipped right off lol. I should of left them off and waited to get them powder coated but I got impatient and had to know how they would look and feel. I'm about to have to rip off the handguards and buy another pair.
Here's a pic of my bike on my last ride of the season, sitting against the corn at my hunting land. I love taking my bike to go scout for deer.
