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My 2009 XB12R after Bay Bridge crash and repair on the right side, and a drunk from the bar downstairs knocking it over on the left side.

So far breather re-route, K&N, 2010 LED tailight/parking light, Rizoma Lux grips & bar ends, Darkhorse Moto sliders


Thanks bardo, while I appreciate the compliment its far from custom. Just some nice add ons to suit my taste.
That's the best looking blast I've ever seen! I'm sure you already know that. Are those headlights from a firebolt, or just random projectors??

I've been hoping to find a rashed/beat up buell to fix up, and want a lightning but would have no problem picking up a firebolt and converting it, and had been wondering what it would look like with the firebole headlights and a lightning screen, and it definitely looks better than I pictured.

You should make a build thread so we can see what all you did, or if you're already done that, post a link to it so I can check it out.
Started life as an Lightning Scg. Loved the look, but had some issues. Put a Uly front on it to deal with wind, Crossroad bars for a better feel and firebolt tail for comfort. I'm extremely happy how it came out.

Very nice Lockout, I need to do the crossroads soon, was it a major imporvement over the stock in riding feel, and position?

It is a night and day improvement with the crossroads. I never felt comfortable with the stock handlebars, too tall. The crossroads are prefect for me.
I'm 6'0 foot about 200lbs so. I always feel like I need to be leaned over a little more. Thanks for the info Lockout. I started on a SV650 with clip ons, so I like being leaned over. I'll order one. Thanks again.
lockout that combo looks really sharp together. I have always like the lightningbolts people build but that is the first time I have seen a uly front end and a firebolt rear end.

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