Hey nitto, that's one nice bike you have too
I like the look with the semi handlebars, but yea the steering damper must be really needed with these!
The freespirit cover with polished edges is interesting...
By the way what is that thing you fixed in place of the top belt cover? some kind of alfano or maybe a camera
Nah the Damper ? was a real noob?
My 03 9s wobbles a bit and after i replace the bearing if it still wobbles some i might be investing in one if they arnt too expensive and they are worth it
Nah I already had a local shop and HD/Buell check it out tires were set perfect. My suspension was all outta whack not one was the right/same. Local shop took care of it HD said it was right and felt it around 95 Bearing is flat? going out? $22 part labor $160A Damper will run you anywhere for 2-500 dollars but before you invest in one I would make sure your wobble is not related to improper suspension settings or a unbalanced wheel.
love nitto12ss's pipe!