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Actually, that is a XB12Scg, slightly modded. :D
Thanks about the gsxr. Originally I had either a supermoto or liter bike in mind, but this trade came along and I had to take it.

Question, 2 black bikes. Which one is a classic?
Seaton, that biker is HOTTTTT

Sell it to your best friend CHEAP so you guys can ride together and relive the "glory days!!"

I'm set for the road trip, btw... let's go get that XB!
I mean that BIKE is hot...
Just want to be clear... I'm attracted to the BIKE, not the rider... :p
You mean you are NOT attracted to the bike rider as well?!? I Guess with your comments above you "past the friendship test with an F+" : )
Here's mine. I still havent seen it in person yet, I bought it while I have been out on this deployment

daponik, you're bike just converted me. I'm now an S/Rcombo fan.looks damn good all black. who's bar ends are those?I like the mount system on those much better than most i've seen.

kenney83, I've rode when it's that cold before.Coveralls with 2pr. jeans & 3 shirts underneath and a leather jacket over it all. Felt like that kid on the OLD charmin commercials. But, Sometimes you just need a fix huh.
Thanks for the nice comments, 12rdan. The bar end mirrors are some cheap Hong Kong knock-offs. I think they copied the Oberons. Anyway, I found them on eBay and they were only $30 for the pair shipped. Pretty good quality though, made out of aluminum, not plastic.
Some new ones here from my summer road trip (8000 miles in 3 1/2 weeks!!):

Red Canyon Wyoming:


The Tree of Shame:

That's one beautifull landscape there mirkvid!

lol at the 1125 air scoop on the tree of shame :D

Here mine finally repaired after 3 long months !

I always think my bike is so bad-ass. Then I go through these pis pics an dang... There are some HOT bikes out there. What am I going to do next??