@ MooFX/Justin:
I'm in the market for a black XB12Scg and was psyched when I saw yours, as I wanted to know exactly how it would look with the black redline wheels, but was having a hard time finding any pics online of someone who installed them on theirs. Wow, they look just as good as I had imagined they would!
This may be a stupid question, but you actually bought the redline wheels and swapped them with the original ones, right? (as opposed to adding the red line onto them yourself somehow) If so, how much did you pay for the new wheels, the Bearing, Spacer & Axle Kit and the installation labor? Were you able to get a discount on the new wheels by trading in the original wheels? Or did you just sell/keep the originals? If you sold them, how much did you get? Anyway, thanks and enjoy your sweet bike!