Nothing Bad about the Tubers, Just Newer Technology in the XB's. More influx of Cash from Harley, better Design and Development. That being said, I have over 50K on my '98 S3, and I can still work on it, Don't have those trips to the Dealership for those little issues. I have had to replace one bearing for the clutch release, I had one Cable go Bad, a Speedometer Drive, and a Rockerbox leak, and a Voltage regulator.
That has been it, since 3/2001. I like not having to rely on a computer to tune it, I re-jetted it myself, after changing the exhaust/and Intake.
If you like the X1 go for it. If you have to have the Latest and Greatest, then the XB's or the 1125's might suit you better.
It comes down to that personal decision, What are you going to be Happy With?
That has been it, since 3/2001. I like not having to rely on a computer to tune it, I re-jetted it myself, after changing the exhaust/and Intake.
If you like the X1 go for it. If you have to have the Latest and Greatest, then the XB's or the 1125's might suit you better.
It comes down to that personal decision, What are you going to be Happy With?