NGK Iridiums??

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gap for NGK's should not be .40 at least for the 12. NGK came out with some new information concerning this for our bikes.
plug has nothing to do with making motor run hotter or cooler
who said that??? I said that there are hotter plugs available, but i agree that it has nothing to do with the engine temp.
so what are the best over all plugs to put in a 2005 XB12S?
I saw on the NGK website they have race plugs.
What do you guys recommend.
Thanks for any input.
Stock plugs work just fine, too, if you take care of your bike.
But it's definitely the 9EIX as Stevenc150 sez, not the 8 series. And you don't gag iridiums - check the gap, yes, and they should be right when new. If not, then they can/should be returned.

hope this helps
I know I'm resurecting an old thread, but I am about to place an order for some plugs and wanted to confirm something posted above by fahren:
And you don't gag iridiums - check the gap, yes, and they should be right when new. If not, then they can/should be returned.

I found the plugs on the Napa parts mobile website. It has the gap listed as 0.024". Above someone listed the gap should be 0.035". My question is what gap should I look for/set when I get these plugs for my 03 XB9S? Thanks.
REMEMBER, be very careful when gapping iridium plugs.. the tip coating is VERY thin.. the slightest fracture will erode the rest and compromise the fine tip.. the plug will soon be junk. It is best to use the right gap tool, and still be very careful!

yup, I learned the hard way, lol..
false always check gap to be clear, and you can gap iridiums just takes a different kinda gapping tool/method

the gap is 0.035in

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