No indicators / Turn signals

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Feb 28, 2019
May I pls ask for some help....

Was on a ride out today....All great...everything working great..

Then I had no indicators.....No flashing light either on dash.
When my Datatool alarm kicks in all 4 indicators flash so there fine...

What’s the best way to trouble shoot?

Ive checked all the fuses (I think its the ACC one) but all fine)

If its the relay would the dash light still work or not?

Happy to get another relay but wondered if there was common issues?

Sorry to be a pain and thank you...


Sorry its a 2007 XB12s.

I found the relay at the front. 3 pin.

If this is blown would it stop the green light on the dash working?

Where is the ground cable connect to?

WIll check.

Sorry for all the questions..

The earths on the XB12s according to the manual are in the rear. There all fine. I believe there shared as well. Everything else working fine. I’m hoping it’s the flasher..

Is your bike a xb12s as well?
On mine there’s othing there. The wiring
diagram shows the grounds to the front in the tail section?

It was the Flasher unit!!

Bought another one from Amazon. Just a cheap unit.

All good.

My local HD Dealer confirmed there are no earths on the front of a XB12s
Mine has them under the fly screen and under the seat as well.

Your HD dealer is talking out of turn... Lunatic is the Buell-whisperer, you should listen to him when he's helping you, instead of being snarky.

No snarkyness intended. Apologies if you felt I was.

I’ve ripped the front end apart. There isn’t one earth there. The Buell manual also backs this up and notes the earths are at the rear. Literally lights off dials out. Light Frame off etc.

Maybe uk versions or a model revision for 2007?

No clue but hopefully this thread will help anyone else with the issue.

The fuse is a 10amp ac one.

The flasher can be tested with a battery and a light.
Mine had failed
I bought a cheap one with timing adjustment for £7 from Amazon.
However the live and earth on the new one were the other way round.
Quick change and all perfect again

Attachment shows schematic.
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Your response seems a little Snarky.
if you check my original post it asked for assistance with common issue.
The general thoughts were a bad earth to the front of the bike.
For some reason Uk 2007 xb12s don’t have earths to the front. But to the rear as the Buell manual shows.
This is a great learning as anyone else who has this issue in the uk will save a lot of time looking for Missing earths.

$2 dollar adjustable flasher. I wasn’t that lucky. Mine was £7. Best price in Amazon with good reviews.
But beware live and earth wrong way.

Anyway your thoughts re *******. I disagree as it does seem the bikes are different.
You would not of known that so a bit harsh calling your self a thick bottom.
it's extremely rare that shaughn punches out someone on here with his keyboard; so i find this quite refreshing.
Sir: your entire thread is not only an utter and complete waste of time....but it will help NO ONE. it will only confuse and annoy. on the other hand this WILL help:
1-in the world of XB's, every S and X model i've ever seen has a series of "grounds" in the front portion of the machine. your Brit dealer is both an idiot and dead wrong.
2-in response to your original question...the answer is NO! the dash light will NOT illuminate and flash if the flasher unit is faulty.
3-absolutely no idea what the hell this "amazon" flasher is you keep carping about. additionally...if you have to "switch" 1 or more wires around to make it work, it's all wrong.
4-for STOCK wiring.....STOCK signals.....STOCK is the correct XB turn signal flasher. it is NOT a is a simple 3-prong Guilera flasher. various part numbers assigned thru the years for the same part due to applicability. available thru any dealer and reasonably priced.

H-D/BUELL PART NUMBERS: 68729-99Y, Y0621.M, Y0621.MA, Y0621.MB, Y0621.MC


xb flasher.jpg
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