No more twinkies!!! :'(

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Not so upset about no more twinkies. More concerned about 18,500 people losing their jobs... especially those that weren't directly involved/supportive of the strike.
We have a hostess factory store just down the road from us. They were completely sold out of Twinkies, and only had the cupcakes in the individual packages. It is a sad day, indeed.
Just returned from the grocery store. Hostess section was totally cleaned out (except for some strange lemony things called "Zingers") - seems like going out of business was the best thing they coulda done to drum up business. I still have to find a couple of boxes of twinkies somewhere to stash away in case I have a hankering for some diabetes later in life.
Well jobs are STILL Falling in the Cracks of UnEmployment. Not to Mention I NEEEEED my yellow die number 5/. In business, Since the 1930s' and many more jobs to be lost on it's way. Really Sucks but untill many Millions of People go up to the DC area and protest this crap nothing will really be done. It take many people ALL atone time to get the Attention of the goverment.
More importantly is the people that will be losing their holidays plus their kids. Give to the Marines Toys for Tots please just one small Gift unwrapped will help someones Family.That Said I guess the so called President and Washington Staff ALL of THEM!!! are fat and happy.
Sooooo/ will the Washington Staff step in? Stay tuned but Don't hold your breath cause you might just turn a new shade of color. Ride Safe.*Jimi
Thanks Obama...
This has nothing to do with him or his decisions. Im neutral party so you can trust me on that.
Theirs sales constantly going down over the years has nothing to do with the president .... but way to point fingers.

People are becoming more health conscious and Hostess refused to make anything new for the market.
Lower sales means less total dollars. Down sizing would be a simple adjustment to a weak market. And health concious!? Yeah right!!! America is fatter and sicker than ever. Yeah i believe that some bad choices were made as a company, but a "stubborn" union (not the government) assisted in a strike that haulted the production forcing closure. It was a greedy liberal hippie group that only saw what they wanted to see. Thousands are impacted on a personal level that worked hard and needed those jobs to function. Its really sad cause its people hurting people when it comes down to it. Not the corporation or the government.
That evil union had already given 21% of their pay in concessions and made up only a 10th of hostess workforce. This is the second round of bankruptcy for hostess after its third restructuring. When the two hedgefunds that own it now sell off the brand names they'll make millions more than in the next few years could b made from the only profitable branch wonderbread. 2hy says "sell, sell, sell!"