Thanks Obama...
This has nothing to do with him or his decisions. Im neutral party so you can trust me on that.
Theirs sales constantly going down over the years has nothing to do with the president .... but way to point fingers.
People are becoming more health conscious and Hostess refused to make anything new for the market.
To say the current cabinet has nothing to do with businesses failing is simply incorrect. I don't mean this to come across the wrong way and I'm not directing this at you onlogue, but it absolutely can have a direct impact on business. Now probably not in the case of Hostess, but one of several industry examples of how those currently in office are causing businesses to fail is in the medical industry. The Affordable Care Act will impose a 2.5% tax on medical device companies. This is a revenue tax, not a profits tax. The impact of this is massive especially businesses operating at $0.10 on the $1.00. As a result, just to name a few of the reprecussions, many device companies are and will begin laying off 1000's of employees AND forcing R&D budgets to be drastically cut.
Stryker, Fortune 100 company: maker of medical devices like hip/knee replacements, trauma implants, hospital stretchers, etc laid off 1000 people in 2012 in preparation for the tax.
Welch Allyn: maker of diagnostic instruments used daily in physicians offices, surgery centers, and hospitals, for the first time in 100 years in operation laid off 270 people because in preparation for this tax.
Reducing R&D directly results in fewer advancements in the medical field or any field for that matter. Laying off 1000's of employees obviously puts a strain on the economy.
Most people who voted for the current administration have no idea of the negative impact government will have on small and large businesses alike. Penalizing companies who can't afford to provide Health Insurance to employees. Madness.
It's real and it is happening.