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I think he'll stay the course with Buell if they get picked up, but he'll still be doing r&d with Harley and bring out a Harley sportbike.
Gotta wonder where the engine for the XB's will come from if the deal goes through. I'm not sure I like the idea of Harley selling Buell to Walworth and them selling them the engines for the bikes after the fact. Sound like quick easy money to Harley to me and it doesn't seem like they worked for it.
dave_xb12r i agree with you. i think HD is out of the sports realm. I don't think they will do anything but make overweight bikes that are sold as trophies to people that don't actually know how to ride. Screw HD. I think Buell will do really well under a different owner. HD never really supported them properly. They didn't believe in it at first and only picked up Buell when they saw dollar signs. Sorry for the rant...anyway, do you think this will actually happen?
They didn't believe in it at first and only picked up Buell when they saw dollar signs.

Well duh. How many companies invest in something where they dont foresee making a profit. Everyone feels betrayed that Harley is stopping production of Buell. Im sure its something they didnt want to do but in tough economic times you have to make tough business decisions. If buell was making 100 million a year in profit Im sure the assembly line would still be cranking. I read their quarterly profits were down 80% If you want to be pissed at someone be pissed at all the people riding rice burners down the road.

Wait what am i saying. Harley stopped making buell because they hate all of us and dont feel like making money on a brand that is working so well.

I think Buells are great but sadly not enough people do.
I hear what ya'll are saying. I heard this about a week or so ago. Is there any new information on this development? It does have me a little excited, just don't want to be let down.
So anyone heard any new ,News about our beloved BUELLS yet ive been looking and searching but nothing yet???
Nah heard from the grape vine of harley guys there supposedly shutting down buell and not selling...makes me wonder if this is true and if they will bring them back later on or atleast a whole new line but it doesnt make since when your brand new bike just did the impossible and became like the first american sportbike to win in who knows how long and you put buell on the chop block[confused]
I can't help but think if HD put as much into marketing buell as the did HD that things may be a little different. I can't recall a buell commercial and I run into people all the time that have no idea what kind of bike it is. If you rolled up on a Vrod there would be no question.